Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1657: Little Prince and Little Princess

Finally born!

Everyone has a relieved expression.

The look of Prince Xi Gu's expression is the most exaggerated.

Soon, the door of the operating room was pushed open, and another doctor came out holding the baby.

The young grandmother of the Xi imperial family gave birth to a child. This is definitely the top priority of the hospital. All the staff are doctors and no nurses are needed.

As soon as the child was held, Prince Xi Gu rushed over.

Like every dad who expects a child to be born, so excited.

The doctor was about to pass the child to Prince Gu, but he didn't want the man who had just been promoted from father-to-be to father, so he rushed past her and rushed into the ward.

Xiao Gongju seemed to be telepathic, knowing that he had been abandoned by Baba, and he cried earth-shattering with a wow.

Han Ling and Du Ruxue hurriedly gathered around and started to coax again.

The operating room was full of strong **** breath, and many people couldn't adapt.

The prince Xi Gu did not care and rushed directly to the hospital bed.

After giving birth to two children, Ling Weifeng was squeezed out of his last strength and passed out.

His face was paler than ever before, with sweat on his forehead and neck.

His clothes were full of blood.

Seeing such a weak Ling Weifeng, Prince Xi Gu didn't hum.

Instead, he lowered his head, dropped a kiss on her forehead, and then wiped her sweat.

"My wife, you have worked hard."

He will never let her suffer anymore, he will spend his whole life to pamper her well.

When Ling Weifeng woke up, it was already midnight.

The prince Gu stayed by the bed and hurriedly grasped her hand when he saw her awake.

"Wife, is there any discomfort?"

Ling Weifeng's breath was still a little weak, and his eyelids were a little heavy.

The voice was rustling, "Where is the child."

"In the incubator, it will take a few days to take it out." He took her hand and kissed gently, and landed on the back of her hand, "Xiao Feng, thank you."

I really feel so lucky, I can't thank you enough.

He was pregnant at the age of nineteen and gave birth to him at the age of twenty. He suffered so much for him at the best age, and he didn't know how to love her in order to express his feelings.

Ling Weifeng is very weak now, and is too lazy to respond to him.

This man is sensational again.

"Hungry? Do you want to eat something first."

Ling Weifeng nodded. Although she had no appetite, she was indeed hungry.

Prince Gu shook the bed up, moving very slowly, for fear of hurting her.

The thin body really hurts.

Others were pregnant with a weight of 20 or 30 kilograms, she was not fat at all, she was still so thin.

Nourishment absorbed by the body is gone to raise the child.

He feeds her carefully, for fear that she may choke.

"Is the eldest son or daughter?" Ling Weifeng asked weakly.

"Son, the youngest is a daughter." This is nothing more than perfect.

Ling Weifeng smiled weakly, "My brother can protect my sister in the future."

"Well, my brother has to protect his sister and his mother."

"Does the child look good?" She hasn't even seen it yet.

When she gave birth to her son, the doctor gave her a hug, but at that time she was too weak to see clearly.

When she gave birth to her daughter, she passed out and didn't look at it.

The prince Gu answered very quickly, "Daughter looks good, like when you were a kid, and your son was so ugly."

Ling Weifeng, "..."

Aren’t all the children who have just given birth the same? How could it be possible that a daughter looks so ugly as a son.

This man looks like a daughter.