Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1611: The child is gone 2

Fang Lan looked at the red flowing out between Wang Jiaohua's legs, and she panicked.

Holding her shoulders with both hands, "Xiao Siming, what's wrong with you, hold on, I will call a doctor right away."


Fang Lan tremblingly took out his mobile phone, the door of the private room was kicked open vigorously, and Fang Jiming appeared at the door with an anxious expression.

The housekeeper and assistant tried to stop him, but they couldn't stop him.

When he saw Wang Jiaohua curled up on the ground and howled in pain, his face suddenly changed.

When he saw the bright red flowing out between her legs, he just felt that the sky had fallen!

"Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao." He rushed in and picked up the people on the ground. "Don't be afraid, let's go to the hospital now."

Throwing down Fang Lan, who was still panicked, Fang Jiming picked up Wang Jiaohua and rushed out like crazy.

Inside the car, Wang Jiaohua was still screaming in pain, her body curled up tightly, and the blood remaining under her body dyed the entire back seat and his white suit.

"Drive faster!" Fang Jiming was so anxious that his eyes were red, and he wanted to pinch Gao Yang away.

Driving so slowly, are you here to enjoy the scenery?

Gao Yang was in a cold sweat. He was already driving at 240 per hour. Driving such a fast car in the city was simply challenging the limit.

But seeing that Wang Jiaohua behind was already weak and gossamer, he couldn't take care of that much anymore. He stepped on the accelerator and continued to accelerate!

Wang Jiaohua's hands were soaked with blood, and she painfully grasped Fang Jiming's white suit, leaving bright red paw prints on it.


"I'm here, I'm here, don't be afraid, we will go to the hospital soon." Fang Jiming held her hand tightly, trying to give her strength.

However, his own hands were shaking.

"Child...our child..."

Fang Jiming's heart was stabbed severely by something, and the pain spread.

He glanced at the blood that had also left under her, so bright and red, it almost blinded him.

Kid, no more...

"Save my child... please... please... you... save... save..."

"Okay, save, you will be fine, you will be fine, you will be fine."

His eyes were moist, no matter if her hands were all blood, he grabbed it and stuck it on his face.

"Save... child... please... you..."

"Okay, save the child, the child will be fine, it will be fine."

He didn't know whether he was comforting her or deceiving himself, he muttered over and over again.

With his assurance, Wang Jiaohua finally couldn't hold it, and fainted.

In the emergency room, Fang Jiming was sitting on the bench with both hands in the hair room.

No one can see his expression, but can only feel his pain from the trembling shoulders and the occasional choking sound like an animal roar.

When Fang Lan arrived in a hurry, he saw that his white suit and trousers had been stained with blood.

She had never seen such a decadent son.

Even if Fang Xiaoyao had only half his life left, he was not so decadent and painful.

"How is the child?" Fang Lan asked anxiously.

Fang Jiming raised his head abruptly, his eyes flushed and his eyes were harsh.

It's not the look in human eyes, but the look in wild beasts.

With this look, Fang Lan's heart trembled and he took a step back unconsciously.

"At this time you are still caring about your child, and adults don't know if you can keep it. You still have the face to ask the child!

Mom, what did Jiaojiao do wrong? You have to do this to her!

If you don't like her, you can never see her. I can take her away, so that she will never appear in front of you. Why do you treat her like this!

That's also your grandson, how can you do it! "