Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1601: See people's hearts

As for her wanting to work, yes, he respects her choice.

The premise is that the time must be regular.

Wang Jiaohua curled her lips, a little unhappy.

Fang Jiming lowered his head and directly kissed her pouted lips, asking for a long goodnight kiss.

Wang Jiaohua originally wanted to fight for it again, but she was so dizzy when he kissed her. In addition, she was really tired after pregnancy. She fell asleep in a daze.

The next day, Fang Jiming returned to Fang's house with the latest company's performance.

Put a series of reports in front of Fang Lan.

"What do you mean?" Fang Lan asked coldly.

The attitude was very cold. During this period, she and Fang Jiming almost entered a state of cold war.

"This is the company's financial statement this month. The performance has risen by five points. Among them, half of it is due to Jiaojiao."

Wang Jiaohua has brought so many resources to the company. Several singers have released new albums. Those who have not released albums have also released new songs one after another.

And the theme song she wrote for Fang's latest TV series, how many people sang and cried, also brought certain ratings to the TV.

These are all improving the company's performance.

What he didn't stop Wang Jiaohua from working hard, but also wanted her to make some achievements on her own so that his mother could see.

Fang Lan just glanced blankly, and then a little disdain, "She asked you to show off these? The entertainment industry is only part of the Fang family's industry. This performance is not worth mentioning. I want to marry into the Fang family. , Don't even think about it."

Fang Jiming's face was a bit ugly, and his heart was even more uncomfortable.

"Mom, whether you admit it or not, Jiaojiao is now my wife.

Also, these are not what she asked me to show you. She still can't see the company's financial statements.

I brought these over to show you, not to show off, just to tell you that Jiaojiao is not the kind of vain woman, she has her own talent and pride.

Seeing people's hearts for a long time, one day you will change her outlook. "

Fang Lan just sneered, and there was a lot of bitterness in that smile.

Fang Jiming frowned, "Mom, don't you believe my eyes so much."

"Your vision? You were attracted to a woman like Fang Xiaoyao at the beginning, how can you make me believe your vision!" Not mentioning this is okay, and Fang Lan's anger suddenly rose when he mentioned this.

"Mom! Don't compare Jiaojiao with Fang Xiaoyao, Jiaojiao is not that kind of person, how can you accept Jiaojiao?"

"I would never accept that kind of woman anyway!"

Fang Jiming looked at his mother deeply, "I will accompany Jiaojiao to the medical checkup in the afternoon, I will leave first."

The words are not too speculative, since he can't persuade, let her watch it slowly.

Wang Jiaohua is so lovable, she will accept it one day.

When he walked to the door, Fang Jiming paused and looked sideways, "I have discussed the wedding with Jiaojiao. She said that the wedding will not be held for the time being, because you disagree and she respects you, so I hope to receive your blessing."

Fang Lan sighed heavily until there was no one at the door.

Leaning on the sofa a little tired.

"Madam, do you want to go back to the room and rest?" Wu Ma came over, a little worried.

Fang Lan rubbed her eyebrows and looked tired. "Sooner or later, I will be angry with these two unfilial sons."

"Madam, the two young masters are actually very filial to you."

"Mother Wu, you have been serving at Jiming for a while, what do you think of Wang Siming."