Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1593: Wife, happy wedding

Ling Weifeng was also taken aback, "How do I know, where are you now."

"At the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau."


"Xiao Feng, I feel that I am dreaming." Wang Jiaohua is still wandering.

"Pinch yourself to see if it hurts or not." Ling Weifeng suggested.

So Wang Jiaohua obediently pinched her thigh without pain.

Then she pinched hard and pinched again, but it didn't hurt.

Sure enough, I was dreaming.

She just said, how could she suddenly get married, it turned out to be sleepwalking, ha ha.

Hearing the smirk on the phone, Ling Weifeng was speechless, "Huahua, are you normal?"

"Hehe, it's not normal, maybe I hate marrying too much."

Ling Weifeng, "..."

"Xiao Feng, but I feel so real. Or pinch yourself and see if I am dreaming."

Ling Weifeng, "But I'm afraid of pain."

"Oh, this way, is there anyone around you? You pinch others."

Hearing the nutritious dialogue between the two women, Prince Xi Gu was speechless.

When he heard the last sentence, his eyes twitched.

He met Ling Weifeng's gaze.

That look...

So the prince Xi stretched out his hand in resignation and rolled up his sleeves intimately, "Pinch it."

So Ling Weifeng stretched out his hand rudely and pinched!

Ah, the muscles in my hands are too strong to pinch.

So her hand stretched out to the face of Prince Xi Gu, and pinched hard.

The corner of Gu's eyes was twitched again, the prince Xi was really cruel!

"Little Huahua, Emperor Xi will hurt, not dreaming."

Wang Jiaohua was still stunned, she reached out and pinched her thigh again, "But it still doesn't hurt if I pinch myself, maybe I didn't work hard enough."

So she stepped up and twisted it hard.

Fang Jiming finally couldn't stand it anymore. After being screwed several times by her, he was cramping in pain!

"My wife, murder your husband."

This sentence made Wang Jiaohua shake her whole body like an electric current.

Turning his head, he saw Fang Jiming's wet and handsome face, looking at her with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

I am dreaming, I must be dreaming.

Wang Jiaohua was still wandering, she pinched harder to make herself more awake.

Fang Jiming gasped in pain, "My wife, don't pinch."

It's all swollen.

Only then did Wang Jiaohua realize that he was standing next to her, and the two were together. She just pinched his thigh.

She wondered why she was wearing a skirt, so why would she twist her pants...

Withdrawing her hand subconsciously, remembering the silly words she had just said to Ling Weifeng, her face flushed suddenly.

Hung up the phone quickly, shamelessly.

Fang Jiming stared at her delicate red face with a smile, "Wife, you hate marrying so much?"

Wang Jiaohua's face, I can't hang up.

I can’t wait to dig a hole and bury myself, so embarrassing to throw myself at my grandma’s house.

"I...I..." She squeaked, unable to say a word, "I thought it was a dream."

Fang Jiming smiled even more at the corner of his mouth, "So you want to marry me in your dreams."

Wang Jiaohua's face turned red.

Don’t you see through, don’t you understand?

I didn't know that she would be embarrassed in this way.

The beauty bows her head, she is infinitely shy.

Seeing Wang Jiaohua like this, I thought that she was already his wife at this time. They were a couple with the name Fangshun, and there was his child in her belly.

He felt extremely happy and filled his chest.

He hugged her waist and asked for a lingering kiss, "Wife, happy wedding."