Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1571: Kiss him

She frowned, a little sick.

"What's wrong?" Feeling her hesitation, Prince Xi Gu Ningmei.

Ling Weifeng leaned forward again, and stopped when he touched his lips.

I go!

She kissed the prince Xi Gu, and she felt like vomiting. This is the situation!

I couldn't bear this uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, so I gave up.

Sitting in his arms, looking at him a little faintly.

Prince Xi raised his eyebrows, "What the **** is going on."

Ling Weifeng held his face with both hands, and looked left and right.

"Did you eat something."

Prince Xi Gu, "..."

Slender fingers clicked on the coffee on the table, "Drank coffee."

Drink coffee and refresh yourself.

"Then why would I feel nauseous when kissing you."

It’s just that she can’t drink coffee. She drank it when she was down there, and it’s okay.

Prince Xi Gu, "..."

He was rejected by his wife.

What to do if you are so sad.

He clasped the back of her head with one hand and kissed it strongly.

Rolling on the other side, sweeping her softness everywhere.

Kissed enough before letting her go, and then asked her coldly, "Now, do you still want to vomit?"

It hurts self-esteem too much.

Ling Weifeng shook his head.

It's gone now, it's obviously uncomfortable just now.

It's been like this these days, repeatedly, and it's so uncomfortable.

Prince Xi Gu held her waist tightly with his left hand, and gently rubbed her lips, which had been kissed with redness, with his right hand.

Seeing her sharp chin again, my heart aches.

"What happened to you in the last few days?"

For a foodie, it is definitely a very scary thing to have no appetite for several days.

Ling Weifeng still shook his head, "I don't know, it's just uncomfortable."

"Let’s go to the hospital, okay?"

"No." Ling Weifeng retorted immediately, pulling his face down.

She hates going to the hospital and always reminds herself of how bad her body is.

Prince Xi Gu was a little helpless, he also knew that she didn't like hospitals, but in her current situation, she was really worried if she didn't go to see it.

"Why don't I ask a private doctor to show you at home?"

"No." Her tone became a little impatient, "It may just be that the weather is too hot and the appetite is poor, and you don't let me eat ice cream."

He wouldn't let her eat not only ice cream, but all frozen things.

Can you have an appetite in this hot day?

Prince Xi Gu touched her head, "Thanks for your hard work."

It's really embarrassing for her. In order to maintain her body, many foods are taboo.

Ling Weifeng squeaked, but he was a little embarrassed.

She felt coy in his arms, like a little cat, so that Prince Gu was about to catch fire.

I haven't touched her for two or three days. Every time I want her, she says that she is uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

No matter where he has the heart, he can only hold it by himself.

Now there is almost a fire.

So he held her down and changed the subject, "What do you want to eat at noon."

"It's too hot, I don't want to go out to eat, order takeaway." Ling Weifeng said and yawned, "So sleepy, I'll go to bed first, and call me when I have lunch."

Prince Xi Gu watched her walking toward the lounge while rubbing his eyes, his brows were slightly darkened.

Nausea, nausea, lethargy.

If these symptoms were put on an ordinary person, he would definitely think that she was pregnant.

But her body...

This possibility of pregnancy is minimal.

What was going on, she refused to see a doctor again, which was really worrying.

It seems that he is going to the doctor to ask.