Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1567: pregnant

Wang Jiaohua stood in front of the glass table in the bathroom, looking at the mirror on the wall in a daze.

In the mirror, Qiaojiao's face was a little pale and her eyes were a little lost.

She stared blankly for two seconds, then lowered her head.

Looking at the pregnancy test stick in his hand, the two red bars above are so clear.

Caressed her belly blankly.

She is pregnant.

How could this be.

Although he and Fang Jiming have had it several times, he clearly took measures during the dangerous period, so why did he still get pregnant.

Walked out in silence, wrapped the three pregnancy test sticks, and put them in the bag.

Sitting on the sofa a little lostly, holding his knees, looking forward in a daze.

Getting pregnant without marriage is definitely a devastating blow to public figures like her.

In particular, she debuted in the image of a good girl and has no scandals so far.

If this matter spread out, just a discussion would be enough to drown her.

Everything she struggled will be nothing.

She has just turned nineteen, which is the rising period of her career, and pregnancy at this time is simply a big obstacle.

The speed of newcomers in the entertainment industry is very fast. If she retires for a year to have children, it is estimated that the day will change when she comes back.

She stretched out her hand again and gently stroked her stomach, even if it was not the time, this was her and Fang Jiming's child.

Her baby.


Wang Jiaohua was a little melancholy, what should Fang Jiming do over there.

The Fang family still doesn't know her relationship with Fang Jiming.

Will he...want this kid?

He took out the phone and called Fang Jiming, "Senior, where are you now."

"I'm at the company and I'm about to go to a meeting, what's wrong?"

Wang Jiaohua pursed her lips, "I have something to tell you."

The man across the phone paused, "Is it important."

"Well, it's important."

"Jiaojiao, what I am going to open today is the board of directors. I may not be able to leave. Can I say it tonight."

Now he has almost completely taken over the Fang family's business. Although he is still a college student, the school has already suspended school and there is no need to go anymore.

Just taking over the family business, it will inevitably be busy.

"it is good."

"Then I'll go to you after get off work tonight." He said after a while, "Why don't you go to my place, didn't you say that you are sick and have no appetite? I asked Ma Wu to make an appetizing soup for you.

I wanted her to send it to you, so why don't you come to me and wait for me to come back by the way. "

Wang Jiaohua was silent for a moment.

She is not unwell, she is just pregnant.

"Jiaojiao? Are you listening."


"The meeting will start right away, I won't tell you anymore, go to my side and wait for me, goodbye."

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, it took a long time for Wang Jiao to put the phone in place.

Then change clothes and get ready to go out.

She was very disturbed, and instead of going directly to Fang Jiming's place, she called Ling Weifeng.

She doesn't have many friends who can make friends, it can be said that there is only one Ling Weifeng.

So the current anxiety and hesitation can only be told to Ling Weifeng.

At the coffee shop downstairs in the Royal Building, when Wang Jiaohua arrived, Ling Weifeng was already waiting there.

Ling Weifeng is in the Royal Building, so it is very convenient to get down directly.

They sit by the window, the best place in the cafe environment and the widest view.

Except for Ling Weifeng, no one dared to sit in the exclusive seat of Prince Xi Gu.

"I've been waiting for a long time," Wang Jiao said while sitting down.