Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1552: Why Ling Weifeng

Love looks colder, but not in a hurry.

Push the elbow back again, with more force than before.

After bumping it several times, Butler White has vomited blood several times.

The clasped hands finally loosened.

Love turned his back and grabbed his hand, threw one over the shoulder, and directly threw the white housekeeper to the ground.

Then Feimao kicked out, and the big man who was more than one hundred and forty catties kicked the cloth bag like her.

The kick made the whole person fly, hit the opposite wall, and was bounced back.

Lying on the ground, there is only breath in but no breath.

Seeing the pool of blood on the ground, Bai Feifei's eyes were cold.

I didn't pay attention to the white housekeeper, anyway, this man couldn't survive.

Walked out from the door slowly.

I saw Bai Feifei standing stiffly outside.

"Isn't I able to run, why not keep running?"

Said sarcastically in love.

Bai Feifei looked at the bodyguard who surrounded the villa, wailed in despair, and fell to his knees.

She was unwilling, really unwilling.

Why, it's all Ling Weifeng's fault, Ling Weifeng betrayed her brother, and the Ling family killed their family miserably.

But why in the end, good and evil are not retributable.

Their family all died tragically, but Ling Weifeng, the selfish villain, could still live in the world.

Live so happily.

She is not reconciled!

He heard Bai Feifei's sorrowful scream outside, as well as that distraught cry.

The white housekeeper who had not had time to die inside, slipped two rows of turbid tears.

Why is God so unfair? Let the Bai family die without a place to bury them!


With a last breath, he took out the phone with a hand full of blood.

Send out a video saved in it.

Even if he died, he wouldn't let that family live in peace!

Originally planned to control Ling Weifeng in his hands first, and then take out the video, so that the Ling family would always be in pain.

Now, the plan is completely disrupted.

But it doesn't matter, it can destroy one... it's one.

Seeing that the video was successfully sent, the white housekeeper's mouth slowly conjured up a strange smile.

Always... freeze frame.

Outside the house, Bai Feifei fell to his knees, crying with tears.

However, no one sympathized with her.

Love raised his pistol expressionlessly and aimed it at Bai Feifei's head.

A second before she pulled the trigger, Bai Feifei suddenly raised her head and looked at her sadly.

"Love, before I die, can I ask you a question."

The expression of affection did not move, but he did not depress the trigger.

Bai Feifei understood what she meant, and agreed to ask.

So she wiped a tear, "Why are you so good to Ling Weifeng? You were obviously rescued from the same place? Why do you treat Ling Weifeng as your sister, but you treat me as your enemy!"

This is something she has been unable to figure out. From the beginning, love hated her.

When I was in love to rescue them from the Colosseum, they didn't kill anyone, but they wanted to kill her!

Had it not been for Ling Weifeng's strength, she would have been killed by love long ago!

She doesn't understand why love hates her so much.

It happens to like Ling Weifeng so much.

The love at that time, obviously not familiar with Ling Weifeng, but he heard what Ling Weifeng said.

Love's expression was cold, her lips were pressed lightly, and she did not answer her words.

The look was a little trance.

Why is it so good to Ling Weifeng?

She also couldn't say clearly, perhaps because she was injured when she was on mission and was rescued by Ling Weifeng.

Or maybe... Ling Weifeng is like the person in her mind.

She is an orphan, and she was caught on Agent Island and trained as a cold-blooded killer.

But in the deepest part of her mind, she vaguely remembered that she was not an orphan, she had a sister.