Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1496: Dying 5

This woman is really no one.

When he was downstairs with a straight suit, he saw Ling Weifeng sitting on the sofa in the living room very well, holding a fat bear, and looking at him with a smile.

"My husband goes to work, be careful on the road."

Prince Xi Gu was amused, but his face was calm.

"Since you don't go to class, then follow me to the company."

Ling Weifeng snorted in his heart.

She also plans to wait for him to go to the company before going to the mall to clean up.

She wants to buy all the things he threw back yesterday!

So he pretended to cover his forehead, "Oh, I have a headache and need to rest."

Then fell on the sofa, groaning without illness.

That delicate and contrived look is even more Lin Daiyu than Lin Daiyu.

Prince Xi Gu smiled, and he walked over to her, "Unwell? I'll take you to the hospital."

"No need. It may be because I was mad last night and I didn't sleep well. I can just make up my sleep."

"It's the same when going to my office to sleep."

"But I can't walk anymore." Ling Weifeng frowned, as if he had been ill for eight hundred years and was about to die in the next second.

"How can this work, you are uncomfortable, why can I rest assured that you are at home alone, it doesn't matter if you can't go, I will hug you."

He couldn't help but picked her up.

What else Ling Weifeng wanted to say, Prince Xi said with a smile, "I just saw an unidentified object in the safe, I'm thinking about whether to throw it away."

Ling Weifeng groaned in his heart, and immediately did not dare to speak any more.

But my heart is gritted teeth, prince Xi Gu, you are cruel!

They were all locked in the safe, and they could still be found.

The plan failed and Ling Weifeng was in a bad mood all day.

The people who made the entire royal mansion were careful, for fear that they would provoke the young lady.

When eating at noon, she was so angry that she ate three bowls of rice.

The reason is that the heart is hurt, so I have to eat more to comfort myself.

She would never admit that the Chinese restaurant that Prince Xi Gu picked was delicious.

Seeing that her appetite is so good, Prince Xi Gu is a little relieved, so he can eat, maybe it’s not that difficult to gain weight?

After get off work in the evening, the two of them did not eat outside, but went to the supermarket to buy vegetables and cook them by themselves.

Ling Weifeng pushed a shopping cart and walked in the direction of fruits and vegetables under the leadership of Prince Xi, but his heart had already flown to the snack area.

His eyes looked back eagerly, and the ardent look that was comparable to a husband's stone was like tears.

Pedestrians all wondered if she had been abused.

These little eyes, poor.

"What do you want to eat?" Prince Xi Gu Shi couldn't stand her expression and asked aloud.

"Potato chips, taro chips, dried sweet potatoes, bear cubs, beef jerky, shrimp crackers, fish in sauce, chicken feet..."

Prince Xi Gu, "..."

Seeing her utterly utterly utterly slobbering, he really wanted to pry her head open to see if it was just the junk food inside.

He stopped asking her for her opinion, and took her to pick vegetables.

Ling Weifeng followed aggrievedly, listlessly.

Seeing him picking potatoes, she was so wronged that she wanted to cry.

"If these potatoes can turn into French fries and chips, that would be great."

The blue veins on the forehead of Prince Xi jumped and jumped.

Regardless of what it was, he piled up a shopping cart in a brainstorming manner, and then took her to pay and go home.

After buying two large bags, he carried them with his right hand, freed his left hand, and walked out with her little hand.

It drew envy from others.