Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1479: Lai Toad wants to eat swan meat 2

After hesitating for a while, I saw that Wu Ma was standing aside blankly, as if waiting for her to have breakfast.

Wang Jiaohua had no choice but to get out of bed with her head down, and ran directly into the bathroom without wearing shoes.

Behind her, Ma Wu saw her exposed skin, full of bruises and pinch marks, her eyes despised.

From that line of sight, Wang Jiaohua seemed to be burned by fire, and her pace was faster.

After closing the door, she propped her hands on the sink, looking at herself in the mirror, very embarrassed.

This is the first time she has come into contact with the Fang family.

Even if it was just a servant, it made her feel uncomfortable as if she had been needled.

She knew that she was very different from Fang Jiming, she knew she was not worthy of him, and she knew that she would be under great pressure if she wanted to be with him.

She thought she could do it and could bear it.

But she didn't want to be just a servant, it would make her breathless.

That kind of contempt, as if laughing at her overpowering, laughing at her wanting to eat swan meat by relying on toads.

She was so sweetly lingering last night, but today she is exhausted physically and mentally.

He picked up the ice water and poured it on her face. The coolness finally made her sober.

After washing, when she came out, Wu Ma still kept the same movement, standing in the position just now waiting.

It seems to be a very regular servant.

Seeing her coming out, Wu Ma said with a stern face, "Miss Wang, please have breakfast."

"Oh." Wang Jiaohua responded, took a coat and put it on, covering her shoulders and neck marks.

Only the slender legs exposed outside can still see clear marks.

She picked up the milk, put it to her mouth, and was about to drink it, but Wu Ma stopped it.

"Wait, Miss Wang, I almost forgot one thing. Milk has the effect of dispelling the drug, so you can't drink it."

Wang Jiaohua was a little confused, "What kind of medicine is there."

Mother Wu put a small bottle on the table, then brought the glass of water over, "Miss Wang, this is what the young master told you to eat."

Wang Jiaohua's face turned white with one brush, and her body shook slightly.

This is... the contraceptive pill.

He let her take contraceptives?

What does he mean, the relationship only happened last night, and let her take contraceptives today, is it afraid that she will be pregnant with his child?

Wang Jiaohua's eyes were red in an instant, and she had an urge to cry.

She didn't know how things could happen, nor could she guess what he meant.

Seeing her sad look, Ma Wu said lightly, "Miss Wang, our young master is the heir of the Fang family. In the future, he will take over the entire Fang family. His future wife will definitely be a good daughter. , So we can help Fang's development, do you understand."


Tears fell instantly.

Wang Jiaohua moved her head and wiped her tears, "These words...Did he ask you to tell me?"

Ma Wu pursed her lips, "Whether the young master asked me to tell it or not, this is a fact. People, sometimes you still have to see your identity and play things, you can't take it seriously."

"I understand." Wang Jiaohua choked up.

Heart cuts like a knife.

"Now that you understand, don't make it difficult for the old slave, Miss Wang, this medicine..."

"I eat."

Pick up the bottle, pour out one pill, and put the bottle down.

"Miss Wang, take two pills."

Wang Jiaohua felt sore in her heart. She poured four pills directly and put them in front of Ma Wu to let her see clearly.

"I'll take one more pill. Is this safe enough? I will never be pregnant with your young master's child."