Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1477: Misfire 2

The clothes were peeling off one by one, and when the two fell on the bed, they had already met frankly.

Looking at him, his eyes were misty and his body was soft.

In Fang Jiming's eyes, someone who is too beautiful to be fragrant has a desire that he has never had before.

However, when he came to the door, he hesitated.

If you take the next step, this combination, it means a lifetime responsibility.

Wang Jiaohua's cheeks flushed, and the evil fire raged across her body like dense electric currents across her body.

It itched her.

Her eyes were blurred with passion and desire.

It was even more uncomfortable to wait a long time for Fang Jiming's next move.

When she saw the hesitation in his eyes, the blur in her eyes slowly became clear.

Heart, but slowly cooled down.

She laughed a little bit.

Is she so unattractive? At this time, he actually restrained and hesitated.

Or, in his heart, there is no her at all.

She is still Bu Zhiyao's stand-in.

I just got lost and thought of her as another woman. Now I'm sober, so I can't do it anymore?

Just when she wanted to push him away, Fang Jiming reached out and pinched her chin.

Confronted her eyes.

His expression is more serious than ever.

"Jiaojiao, look at me, who am I?"

"Senior." Wang Jiaohua said softly.

"my name."

"Fang Jiming."

"Will you regret it."

Wang Jiaohua shook her head.

Will you regret it?

She likes him and has always liked him.

Knowing that his identity is not worthy of him, but still don't want to give up.

In order to be closer to him, closer, she can do anything and pay any price.

The hesitation in Fang Jiming's eyes was instantly replaced by flames.

It broke out suddenly and couldn't stand it anymore.

Bowed his head, grabbed her lips and tongue, swallowed all her voice.

Bend over, sinking waist.

The sudden pain made Wang Jiaohua whisper in pain, her eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

The face that was flushed abnormally just now turned white.


It hurts...

She knew that a woman would hurt a lot for the first time, but she didn't expect it to hurt so much.

The pain of being pierced through the body made her instinctively want to escape.

Fang Jiming held her down to prevent her from shrinking.

At this point, how could it be possible to let her leave.

He let go of her lips, and the small pieces of kisses landed in her ears.

"It hurts~senior, it hurts~"

"Hey, it won't hurt soon."

Suddenly stuck, he was also very uncomfortable.

However, considering that it was the first time she would hurt, he still didn't dare to be radical.

Can only calm down slowly and stir up her enthusiasm.

After she got used to his existence, she dared to continue slowly.

It is very cold in the spring night.

But indoors, there is a warm spring.

Lingering overnight.

The next day Wang Jiaohua slept until nine o'clock in the morning before waking up in a daze.

For a public figure, she rarely sleeps until she wakes up naturally.

When I opened my eyes, there was still some darkness around.

Only shreds of light shone in.

She moved her body, only to realize that her body seemed to be crushed by a tank, and she was sore.

The pain made her gasp, and fine beads of sweat ooze from her forehead.

Then I remembered the crazy night last night.

She was a little confused and a little hesitant.

God, she was with Fang Jiming last night.


Recalling what happened last night, her face flushed.

It seems...like she took the initiative...

God, it's shameful.