Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1476: The gun went off fire 1

The whole person was dumbfounded, and his mind was blank.


Wang Jiaohua's head rumbling when he heard the um, ah, ah, and hum from inside.

All the blood rushed straight to the top of her head instantly, making her face flushed.

Shame, embarrassment and anger.

Her only thought at this time was that she was going to kill Ling Weifeng!

She must kill Ling Weifeng!

I actually showed her this kind of film, and what was so special, I actually gave her and Fang Jiming the face of the heroine on it.

Isn’t it just the wedding gift that gave her a box of fun and supplies?

The thought of Fang Jiming sitting next to her at this time made Wang Jiaohua's desire to die.

The strange feeling in the body is even more pronounced in this atmosphere.

She has a dry mouth and a tight body.

He picked up the remote control hurriedly, trying to turn off the video.

However, maybe it was too nervous, maybe the remote control broke at this moment.

No matter how she presses it, it can't be turned off.

The more you can't turn it off, the more nervous you are, the more nervous and messy, and the more messy the hands are.

The remote control in his hand fell to the ground with a snap.

Wang Jiaohua quickly bent over to pick it up.

At exactly this time, Fang Jiming also bent down and reached out to help her pick it up.

Her hand was on the remote control, and his hand was on the back of her hand.

The movements of the two froze at the same time.

Wang Jiaohua raised her head and slammed into Fang Jiming's black eyes like splashes of ink.

His eyes met and sparks shot.

His eyes are stale, and if there are thousands of magnets attracting each other, he can't move away.

Wang Jiaohua swallowed nervously, breathing very unnaturally, and even forgot how to breathe.

Fang Jiming looked at the charming face close at hand, and his mouth was dry.

In the empty room, all the ambiguous voices in the video, and even the air, became blurred.

The temperature is rising steadily, and the stare at each other has already deteriorated.

Lonely man and widow, dry firewood.

With this kind of video rendering, it seems impossible that nothing happens.

No one spoke or moved, just kept picking up the remote control and looked at each other.

Fang Jiming's eyes fell on Wang Jiaohua's red lips pursed from tension.

The face flushed from the purple fascination staying power was even more red at this time.


He half-dipped his eyes and his face slowly approached.

Realizing what he wanted to do, Wang Jiaohua became more nervous.

The next thing seems to know well.

If it were before, she would definitely refuse.

But today I don't know what is going on, the strange feeling in her body makes her very eager.

Longing for his touch.

Therefore, she could not refuse.

Can only wait nervously.

Waiting for his approach.

When his breath splashed on her face, Wang Jiaohua gently closed her eyes.

The soft touch came from her lips, causing the fire in her body to suddenly ignite.

She opened her lips to greet him with a kiss.

Fang Jiming held her lips, sucked gently, and then pryed her teeth open to deepen the kiss.

On the TV, the ambiguous voice became louder and louder, the heavy breathing, and the soft and charming moan, all irritated the two of them.

Fang Jiming stretched out his hand, sat up with Wang Jiaohua's shoulder, and then pressed the person on the sofa.

Kiss more deeply.

Ye, so blurred, just kissing is no longer enough.

The lips and the tongue crossed, and the hands were constantly groping on each other.

He kept kissing from the sofa and walked towards the room.