Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1451: Supporting Wife 1

"Why are you here?" Ling Weifeng was a little surprised.

Didn't he go to the company? Why did he suddenly come to the hospital?

Prince Xi Gu strode in, reached out his hand domineeringly, and snatched her from Ling Yiyong's arms.

My wife, what kind of hug do you hold?

At the moment when you lower your head, all glaciers melt into a little gentleness instantly if they meet the warm sun.

The tone was soft enough to squeeze out water, "Is it all right?"

Ling Weifeng blinked, "What can I do, aren't you at work? Why did you come to the hospital?"

"My wife has been bullied, how can she not come."

When he said this, his head was raised to the floor, and his Leng Rui gaze directly directed at Old Man Ling.

Those eyes full of deterrence made Grandpa Ling look terrified.

His eyes were cold, his thin lips lightly opened, "Come in."

Immediately, a few foreign doctors dressed in big white trigrams came in with a machine.

Everyone looked at it puzzledly, not knowing what this was going to do.

Until everything was ready, Prince Xi Gu looked at Grandpa Ling sarcastically.

"Aren't you suspecting that my wife is doing something on the report, then test it on the spot!"

As soon as his words fell, a female doctor stepped forward and nodded slightly at everyone.

Then said in fluent American Chinese, "This is the most advanced DNA detection instrument in the world so far, and it can produce results within two hours."

Then he introduced a lot of the principles and functions of this instrument, but Ling Weifeng couldn't understand it anyway.

After the introduction of the beautiful doctor, Prince Xi Gu did not speak any more.

Facing these people, he didn't bother to waste his tongue.

But Ling Yiyong stood up, "If that's the case, let's test it on the spot."

Xia Chunlin said with some fear, "How do we know if this machine will be fake."

Her suspicion is absolutely necessary, the instrument was found by the prince Gu, and the man was also brought by the prince Gu.

But the prince Gu was on Ling Weifeng's side, and it was entirely possible that he would help Ling Weifeng in fraud.

The beautiful doctor became angry at once, "Please don't question our professionalism!"

The dean personally moved the leather chair, Xi prince Gu put his arm around Ling Weifeng and sat down gracefully.

Elegant and charming, noble and natural.

He opened his lips in disdain, "Everyone knows whether the doctor did the operation on site.

As for machine fraud, if you don't believe it, let's check it together. "

Ling Weifeng and Ling Jiang tested together. If it turns out that Ling Weifeng was born, and Ling Jiang is not, then see what these people can say.

Xia Chunlin wanted to say something more, but Elder Ling had already spoken angrily, "Yes!"

He wants to see the results with his own eyes!

Prince Xi Gu snorted and ignored the farce.

He bowed his head, ignoring everyone present, and gently stroked Ling Weifeng's face, "Why is his complexion so bad? Isn't it comfortable?"

Ling Weifeng's face was slightly red, and he glared at him.

She is uncomfortable, who caused it!

He actually had the face to ask, if he didn't know how to control every night, would she have to stand here with backache and back pain.

Understanding the meaning of her stare, Prince Xi Gu chuckled.

With a big wave of his hand, Wei Hongliang who was following immediately handed over a snack.

Prince Gu took it, took a piece and handed it to her mouth, "First eat something."

The mouths of the people present twitched.

Master Xi Huang, how are you showing your affection so openly?

Your wife eats delicious snacks and we eat dog food, which is too unkind.