Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1444: Passion in the office 1

Moreover, Wei Hongliang frantically attacked the Yao Group yesterday. Everyone knew that it was the young master who came out for his young grandmother.

It can be seen that the young grandma's position in the young master's heart is heavy, so it is necessary to please.

Ling Weifeng unexpectedly came to him on the initiative, and the prince Xi Gu Bie mentioned more than happy, waved his hand, and all employees added bonuses at the end of the month.

Ling Weifeng was stunned, rich means willful.

She went around the office of Prince Xi Gu, and then turned to the back of Prince Xi Gu.

Put your hands on his shoulders and pinch gently.

"My husband is tired, I'll give you a massage."

Prince Xi raised his eyebrows, so good?

There is fraud!

"Come on, what's the matter this time."

Ling Weifeng glared at him, "Look at what you said, I can't be nice to you if I'm fine."

"It's okay that you will be courteous in front of me?"

"will not."

Prince Xi Gu, "..."

Reached out, pulled her out from behind, and then let her sit on his lap.

"I have ordered the fake paternity test report to be prepared. As soon as the result comes out tonight, let someone replace it. Don't worry."

"Oh, this, you just look at it."

"Isn't it because of this?"


Ling Weifeng said, putting his hands on his neck, "My husband, can you forget about the Yao family?"

Prince Xi Gu's face was dark, "She bullied you, and you still help Yao family plead?"

"Well, the crime doesn't lead to death. Your approach is too extreme, and you don't give people a way to survive. This is not good. You have to change it."

She rubbed his face with both hands, and said half coquettishly and half seriously.

She still has a good way to deal with Prince Gu.

"I'm extreme? Huh?"

"Yes, you are not only extreme, you are also very stubborn, self-righteous, and don't listen to others' suggestions.

You see, we quarreled so much before, which time was it not because of your anger.

Hey, only I can stand your stinky and hard temper. If you don't change it, I can't stand it someday and just run away. "

"you dare!"

The prince Xi's eyebrows sharpened, and the hand around her waist suddenly tightened.

"Let's take a look, I'll just talk about it, you will be angry, why am I so life-saving, and married such a paranoid husband."

Prince Xi Gu, "..."

He squeezed her face, "Am I treating you badly, eh?"

"It's one thing to be nice to me, but it's also true that you have a bad temper. This character is too distorted."

Prince Xi Gu fixedly stared at her for two seconds, "Okay, I can change it."

Ling Weifeng immediately smiled and leaned forward, and kissed him on the cheek, "My husband, you are so kind."

Give some sweetness in time to crush this man to death.

Prince Xi Gu hooked his lips and smiled, "It's just...I have a condition."

Ling Weifeng's eyes twitched, giving Mao the illusion that she was scheming?

"What... condition."

"The condition is..." He leaned close to her ear and bit her earlobe gently, "You have to listen to me for everything, now...I want it."

I go! ! !

Ling Weifeng exclaimed, almost stabbed by a needle, and quickly jumped out of his arms.

However, no matter how fast she was, she couldn't be faster than Prince Xi Gu.

She fell back into his arms when she caught her long arm.

With a hand on the button on the table, all doors and windows were locked.

He was satisfied with the freshness in the kitchen last night, and naturally he would come back to the office.

The high-level people outside who were about to come in to report on the work saw that the doors and windows were suddenly locked, and they all looked at each other.

Didn’t they let them report on the situation of Shenma?

"That... young lady seems to be inside."