Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1440: Beauty Meter 2

So I quickly took the car keys and hurried home before get off work.

Wei Hongliang was holding a lot of documents and exclaimed that since the young master got married, the commuting time has become less and less punctual.

The timing is all up to grandma.

When I got home, I opened the door and smelled the smell of rice.

This made Prince Gu even more puzzled.

I changed my shoes and went in, there was no one in the living room, and there was a sound of clashing dishes in the kitchen.

Also mixed with the brisk singing of the girl.

He walked over and saw Ling Weifeng busy in the kitchen wearing a set of little maid clothes.

The skirt is black, very short, can only cover her round little PP.

Around the front is a white apron with lace and tied a big bow at the back.

He also wore a big white bow on his head.

Slender waist, straight hips, long and straight legs.

This costume made Gu, the prince Xi, blood flow backwards.

This maid pretended that he recognized it as one of the temptations of uniforms he bought by group.

That pile of clothes usually forced her to refuse to wear it, but why did she suddenly wear it today?

Feeling fraud!

However, his wife is so charming and lovely, even if she is cheated to death, he is willing to do so.

Seeing Ling Weifeng cooking and humming a little song while his little **** was still twisting, the feeling of the prince Xi Gu's whole body surged towards the lower body.

Just looking at a figure from behind, I actually reacted...

He stared at Ling Weifeng's back like a wolf, as if staring at a piece of meat.

He walked over unconsciously and hugged her into his arms behind his back, "Wife..."

The voice was low and dull, and the heavy gasps indicated that he was forbearing.

Ling Weifeng was taken aback by the person who appeared suddenly, shook a little, and then relaxed.

Turned his head and kissed him on the face, "My husband is back, wait a minute, I will be able to have dinner soon~"

With a smile on his face, Prince Xi Gu Meng swallowed.

He put his arm around her waist with a sudden force, turned her over and pressed her against the glazed platform.

Trapped her between her body and the Liuli Platform, her eyes were dark and bottomless.

"I don't want to eat, I want to eat you."

As he said, he bowed his head and kissed, with a **** kiss, wishing to swallow her in his stomach.

"Um... dishes..."

Ling Weifeng was struggling to avoid his kiss, she was still cooking, she was going to be mushy.

"Don't worry, you are my food."

The fascinated Young Master Xi Huang, where there is no other mind to care about, freed up a hand to turn off the gas.

Then he picked up Ling Weifeng, rotated it in place, and pushed her against the refrigerator door.

The smile on the corner of the mouth is evil, "My wife, we haven't tried it in the kitchen, don't we try tonight?"

As she spoke, her hand had touched her thigh, and she followed the smooth skin to explore.

The irritation made Ling Weifeng's body soft, and he clasped his neck with both hands to avoid falling down.

She was panting, with a soft tone, "Don't be in the kitchen, go back to the room..."

She wanted to use the beauty trick, and she also specially selected a set of clothes to change.

But I never thought about eating in the kitchen and eating purely in the future.

"It's here." The prince Xi Gu Ke didn't care about her. He lowered his head and sealed her lips, his hands began to move up and down, constantly teasing her enthusiasm.

Until I kissed her triumphantly, all his reservations fell apart.

She dropped her hand and she was ready.

He picked her up and let her wrap her legs around his waist.

Seeing that everything came to fruition and was about to enter the subject, Ling Weifeng suddenly woke up and clamped his legs to prevent him from moving.

"My husband, I have something to ask you for help."