Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1424: I happen to be hungry too

Ling Weifeng glanced at him, smiling so wickedly, surely he hadn't thought of anything good.

"Are you thinking about something messy again."

"No, wife, I definitely didn't want you to take the initiative to go to me."

Ling Weifeng, "..."

Can she slap him to death, can she!

Raised his foot, kicked it hard, "I'm going to make breakfast, I'm starving to death."

Prince Xi's eyes lit up and he licked his face and leaned forward, "My wife, are you hungry? I happen to be hungry too."

This expression, this tone...

Ling Weifeng couldn't wait to kill him!

Dead man, is there nothing else in his mind except that stuff?

"Go and make breakfast, hurry up."

Ling Weifeng drove the people out forcefully, and then washed.

When going downstairs, Prince Xi Gu had already set up the dishes and waited for her.

He got up and opened the chair for her.

After she sat down, she pulled a chair over and sat down next to her.

Ling Weifeng, "..."

She was speechless, "Would you not sit across the street."

With such a big table, I really don't understand why he likes to squeeze by her every time.

Prince Gu picked up a piece of cake and spread jam, and said solemnly, "My wife, I want to wait for you to have breakfast."

Ling Weifeng, "..."

Who needs you to wait.

It made her look like a second-degree handicapped. She had to be fed even for a meal.

If this continues, she will really become a pig.

The prince Xi Gu did not care about her and fed her breakfast on his own.

He just wanted to hold her in his palm and raise her into a noble princess.

"My wife, go to the company with me today."

I really don't want to be separated from her for a second.

Since her identity as a girl was made public, Ling Yiyong stopped training her as an heir, and did not need her to go for an internship at all.

In Ling Yiyong's words, the little princess only needs to sit back and enjoy her accomplishments, and let others do the tiring work.

She sat and harvested the results.

So now she doesn't have to go to work in the Lingshi Group, so she might as well go to the company to accompany him.

When working with documents, I can see her sitting on the sofa when I look up, and I feel happy when I think about it.

The prince of Xi Gu has begun to imagine a beautiful blueprint.

Ling Weifeng just gave him a blank look, "I am starting school today and want to go back to school."

Prince Xi Gu, "...Don't go, anyway, with your IQ, going to school is just for fun."

It might as well come to the company to accompany him, maybe he can still love him again during the lunch break.

He didn't dare to say the latter sentence, otherwise, don't even think about her stepping into the Royal Building.

Ling Weifeng didn't care about her, she would definitely go to school anyway.

Although she has an IQ, it doesn't matter whether she goes to university or not, those courses are already well-developed.

But she had hardly lived a normal life before. When she was in junior high school in the United States, she used the name of attending classes and then trained computer skills.

Needless to say in high school, he jumped directly to the third year of high school, entangled with the prince Xi Gu.

Almost never went to school normally, so she wanted to take advantage of the fact that her identity had been made public, everything returned to normal, and she would enjoy her last two years as a student.

Until she was sent to the school gate, Prince Xi Gu still did not give up.

"Wife, don't you really accompany me to work?"

Ling Weifeng unfastened his seat belt, leaned over, and kissed him on the cheek before getting out of the car.

"Goodbye husband, I will see you for dinner at noon."

Prince Xi Gu looked at her graceful back and touched the place where she had just been kissed, with a look of aftertaste.