Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1412: Wife, you can't bully me

Prince Xi Gu, "..."

Yes, it turns out he was going to see other people's misery. It seems that he was thinking too much.

Ling Weifeng snorted coldly, she was not so virgin, others wanted to put her to death, and there was so much sympathy.

After taking a bath, Prince Xi Gu wrapped her inside and out, fearing that she would be frozen.

Then he got into the car and drove her to the hospital.

Knowing that she was tired, she didn't let her feet touch the ground at all times.

"Sleep for a while, I will call you when I get there."

Seeing the tired look on her face, he felt distressed.

She used to be tired every night, so she slept directly, where would she be running around like now.

Ling Weifeng was a little sleepy and kept holding on.

"You will be more restrained in the future. Don't be like a hungry wolf. I won't be so tired."

Prince Xi frowned, "Can you exercise more in the future? If you keep up with your physical strength, I don't need to exercise restraint."

Ling Weifeng, "..."

What if I really want to kill!

"My wife, you can't bully me like this."

His expression was very wronged.

Ling Weifeng is about to explode, are you still wronged?

Toss her to death every day, she hasn't been wronged yet, but is he wronged first? !

With his animal nature, I really don't know how he got here in the past twenty years.

Ling Weifeng deeply felt that they really had to talk about the issue of sex.

The man's needs are really too strong, she can't stand it anymore.

After all these messy things have been dealt with, we will have a long conversation.

Seeing that she was no longer talking, Prince Xi Gu put down the back of the chair, and then increased the temperature.

"First take a nap."

When he arrived in front of the hospital, Prince Xi found a place to park the car, and Ling Weifeng called.

Ling Weifeng rubbed his eyes and glanced at the hospital door in a daze, "Here, I'll go take a look, you're waiting for me here."

"Why don't you let me in." Prince Xi Gu's face sank.

Ling Weifeng yawned cutely, with sleepy eyes.

"My grandfather, you don't know, if you show up in front of him now, he might be able to treat you as an ancestor."

She didn't like seeing Old Man Ling's face.

I also don't want Prince Xi Gu to be the object of his climbing up and flattering him.

Therefore, I don't want Xi prince Gu and Grandpa Ling to meet.

Seeing that Prince Xi Gu was still calm, Ling Weifeng rushed over, hugged his neck, and slapped his face.

"Wait for me here and come out soon."

The prince Xi looked bad, got out of the car and walked around to help her open the car door.

Stooped to unfasten her seat belt, and then came out under her head.

He took care of her scarf and wrapped it tightly.

In the end, he reluctantly dropped a kiss on her forehead, "Come out quickly."

"Know it."

Ling Weifeng also smiled and kissed his face, before walking towards the hospital gate a little awkwardly.

Seeing her walking in this slightly weird posture, Prince Xi Gu felt a little guilty.

It seems... it's really too much.

Ling Weifeng went to the front desk and asked for the ward number, and then took the elevator up.

As soon as I got out of the elevator, I heard the woman's depressed cry.

She frowned, turned around the corridor, and saw Xia Chunlin lying on a bench, suppressing crying, heartbroken.

Elder Ling sat on another bench with a gloomy face.

While Ling Yiyong stood on the corridor and called, his expression was serious, as if something tricky had happened.