Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1407: Dog bites dog 4

She pushed Ling Mengxi away in a panic and ran away.

Ling Mengxi was determined to kill Zhou Meige, turned her head abruptly, quickly reached out, grabbed Zhou Meige's hair, and pulled her back.


Zhou Meige was so scared that she had just shouted the word for help, her scalp hurt.

The man was thrown back on the bed, and then, a sharp pain came from his shoulder, and bright red blood leaked out.

Stained her skirt red.

Ling Mengxi saw the red blood gurgling out, as if he had been stimulated, the whole person was crazy!

The blood, the same color as the blood flowing out of her body that night.

Zhou Meige, you die for me!

She pulled out the scissors and stabbed Zhou Meige's body again fiercely.

Zhou Meige's face paled from the pain was panic, Ling Mengxi went crazy.

This is simply a lunatic!

With all her strength, she pushed Ling Mengxi away, struggling to get up.

However, Ling Mengxi, who was already in madness, would let her escape.

Pulling Zhou Meige's hair violently, the scissors stabbed her back fiercely.


Zhou Meige let out a scream like a pig, "Help, help..."

She screamed, struggled, and dodge desperately.

Five fingers widened, trying to grab something indiscriminately.

When people face death, their explosive power is always amazing.

With a violent push, she overturned Ling Mengxi and rolled off the bed.

boom! Ling Mengxi's head slammed into the corner of the bedside table, and instantly knocked her head dizzy, with golden flowers in her eyes.

Zhou Meige endured the severe pain in her body, and also slammed hard.

Fucked the lamp on the bedside table and slammed it down on Ling Mengxi's head.

"Ah-you bitch!" Ling Mengxi's head bloomed, and the blood slid down her forehead, half of her face was dyed red, looking very scary.

She was in pain and picked up the scissors to fight back.

The two fought into a ball, pulling their hair, picking their clothes, scratching, scratching and biting, like two mad dogs.

The things in the room were smashed to pieces, a mess.

Hit the sofa from the bed, and hit the bed from the sofa.

Zhou Meige is also a ruthless person, grabbing Ling Mengxi's head and slamming it against the wall.

After several bumps, the bang sound made people horrified.

Ling Mengxi was almost stunned. She struggled feebly, touched a glass bottle on the table, and slammed it against the wall.

The glass splashed and stabbed her hand.

The red blood kept dripping.

But she didn't seem to feel the pain, holding the remaining half of the glass and swiping backwards.

A blood stain was drawn directly on Zhou Meige's neck.


Zhou Meige screamed, letting go of Ling Mengxi in pain.

At this time, Ling Mengxi was like a mentally ill patient, she had no reason at all.

She had already been greatly stimulated when she saw the Xi prince Gu and Ling Weifeng show affection today.

Later, when I saw that I was actually ruined in Zhou Mei's singer, I was already driven crazy.

At this time, she had only one thought.

That is, killing Zhou Meige!

So she rushed over, pressed Zhou Meige to the ground, picked up half of the glass bottle, and stabbed Zhou Meige's chest fiercely.

Her head was smashed, her face was bleeding, she looked hideous and terrifying.

Clenched teeth are like sinful fangs.

The madness in his eyes made people tremble.

From the beginning of Zhou Meige's rebellion, to his dying breath, in the end there was only breath out, no breath in.