Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1401: How jealous a man is

"OMG! Is this really the tyrant before? The contrast is too big."

"Yes, yes, yes, I can't believe it, such a loving look actually appeared on this cruel big man."

"So handsome, male **** I want to give you a monkey."

"Go upstairs, haven't you seen Master Xi Huang's gentle gaze towards Miss Ling?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so envy, I really want to be Ling Weifeng swollen!!

"Go upstairs, just like your bear, don't insult my goddess."

"Cut, upstairs your goddess has a master."

"So what, although famous flowers have masters, I'll loosen the soil..."

"Upstairs +1."

"Upstairs +2"

"Upstairs +3..."

Upstairs +... Hey, the reply just now, "Although famous flowers have a master, let me loosen the soil", why is it gone?

"Grass, it was deleted!"

"Tsk tsk, delete in seconds."

"[Raise your hand], I sent the reply just now, I didn't delete it, the system swallowed it."

"Hold the grass, hold the grass, hold the grass hastily, someone is monitoring our comments."

"I'll try, although the famous flower..."

Damn it!

Was banned!

In the Royal Building, the technical department is looking forward to it, keeping an eye on the dynamics of the Internet.

Wei Hongliang is even more like a big enemy, "Everyone is working hard for 120,000 points and watching them closely. As soon as these comments on the idea of ​​playing young grandma are found, they will be deleted immediately and issued again!"

The technical brothers are full of black lines.

I said Wei Dawei, you are too exaggerated.

Isn’t it just a comment from a netizen? Is it worth the fuss?

Let them do this kind of meaningless work, don't you think big talents are small.

Netizens also have freedom of speech, okay? CEOs are not so stingy.

Just when the technical brothers came up with this idea, Wei Hongliang's cell phone made a ding-dong sound.

Wei Hong highlighted that when he opened WeChat, his legs became soft instantly.

This is a screenshot of a Weibo sent by Prince Xi, who is not afraid of death and shouted, "Goddess, I love you."

Before he could mourn, Prince Xi Gu's phone came in.

"This month's bonus will be cancelled." Prince Xi's words came coldly into his ears, and Wei Hongliang decisively ran in tears.

Master, I’m right, I’ve worked hard to monitor the network platform.

It's all because of the technical guys who let them put their eyes on bright spots, but they still slipped through the net!

So Wei Hongliang turned on the loudspeaker wickedly, and then said, "Master, I have ordered the technical department to monitor the network, but they said that these are people's manifestations of your liking for young grandma, and you don't need to delete it."

Everyone looked at each other, not understanding what Wei Hongliang meant.

It was because they liked Ling Weifeng and regarded Ling Weifeng as a goddess, so those netizens were so enthusiastic.

This shows that the young grandmother in the future will be excellent and loved by everyone.

The future wife is so popular, shouldn't the young master be happy?

Isn't it so stingy? The public likes it?

This is too overbearing.

However, none of them seem to understand the jealousy of their President.

Therefore, it is destined to be tragedy.

There was silence on the phone for two seconds, and then the voice of Prince Xi, Gu without the slightest temperature, came through the phone.

"The bonus of the technical department this year is cancelled, the year-end bonus is cancelled, dududu..."

Listening to the busy tone coming from inside, the technical brothers collectively petrified.

Then, the entire technical department went crazy!

rub! ! ! !