Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1376: Clouds and Rains 1

He finally heard her calling his brother.

But in a tone that makes people cry.

"it's me."

"Brother Xihuang, I'm so scared..."

"Don't be afraid, with me, no one can bully you."

"Take me away... I don't want to stay here, Brother Xihuang, take me away..."

Gu Xinru, the prince of Xi, was tightened and tightened constantly.

Damn it!

He held the sore-loving baby in his hand, and he was actually injured so badly, all those people are damned!

Even if those people have been crushed by love, he can't wait to dig out the corpse!

"Wake up, Xiao Feng wakes up."

She was obviously a nightmare now, and she couldn't let her sleep like this anymore.

Prince Xi Gu Qing shook her body without responding.

He patted her face again, calling her name constantly.

Finally, Ling Weifeng opened his eyes, but there was no focus.

His head was like chaos, and he didn't react at all in a daze.

Staring blankly at the handsome face close at hand.

She stretched out her hand trembling, and gently touched Prince Xi Gu's face.

"Emperor Xi..."

Tears are streaming down again.

Prince Xi Gu felt distressed, grabbed her hand and took a sip on his lips.

Then she put her hand on his face, "It's me, don't be afraid."

"Brother Xihuang, isn't it you?"

"It's me, I'm back." He hugged her heartily, "I'm sorry, I made you suffer."

Ling Weifeng's eyes were hazy with tears. At this time, she was even a little confused whether it was real or an illusion.

"Why are you crying? Don't cry, I'll support you when the sky falls."


Ling Weifeng cried, suddenly rushed over, hugged Prince Gu by the neck and kissed it.

Her kiss was strange, but very urgent.

The small body has already been on his body, and kisses him regardless of his lips.

The hand pulled his nightgown eagerly.

There was something wrong with Ling Weifeng at this time.

Prince Xi Gu was a little worried, and grabbed her messy little hand.

"Xiao Feng, what are you doing."

When someone grabbed his hand, Ling Weifeng seemed very dissatisfied, and struggled twice without breaking away.

Her lips moved up again, biting his chin.

"Xiao Feng, wake up."

Ling Weifeng couldn't hear anything, his hand was caught, but his lips were caught and kissed.

The slender legs rubbed against the lower body of Prince Xi eagerly.

He caught fire after rubbing against it.

His wife is so passionate, he can't stand it.

"Emperor Xi, Emperor Xi."

Ling Weifeng called his name over and over again, whispering in his mouth one after another.

"I want to feel you, make me feel you..."

Prince Xi understands that she is very hesitant, she is very upset, she wants to really feel that he is by her side.

It is real, not illusory.

Just understand, so I feel more sad.

What was she dreaming of that made her so uneasy.

Turning over to press her down, grabbed her by the collar, and slammed it down.


The silk nightdress split at the sound and was thrown directly on the ground.

The overwhelming kisses fell on every part of her body.

He provoked her enthusiasm as quickly as possible.

Even if the car is tired, he is tired at this time.

But his wife rarely needs him, even if she is tired, she must be satisfied.

What's more, this is the first time Ling Weifeng has taken the initiative and rubbed him impatiently.

The temperature is rising steadily, and the ambiguous breath is everywhere.

Beautiful spring, full of tenderness in the room.