Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1374: The Emperor Xi is back 2

Ling Yiyong looked at the prince Gu, who walked in, with a little surprise.

"Didn't you go to America."

Prince Gu was also a little surprised when he saw Ling Yiyong at home.

But after another thought, Ling Yiyong appeared here, he must have come to see Ling Weifeng.

So it became clear.

"Dad, I just came back."

"How can it be so fast." Ling Yiyong was stunned.

It takes at least thirteen or four hours from Beijing to Washington, and twenty-seven hours back and forth.

But since he left until now, it has not been twenty hours.

Did he come back after a turnaround?

It's not right. If he didn't get off the plane, he wouldn't be able to receive news of an accident here.

Prince Gu knew what he was wondering, and hurriedly walked in and said, "I drove the fighter myself and came back by the military channel."

After such a big event, his wife needs him most now.

He was so anxious, how could he not rush back soon.

God knows how worried he was after receiving the news of her accident, and he wanted to turn the fighter into a rocket!

"What about Xiaofengren."


"I'll take a look." When Prince Gu passed by the sofa, he saw Han Ling actually lying there.

He then remembered that there was no room at all.

Secretly scolded myself for being too careless.

So he hurriedly said, "Dad, pick up mom, and go there to rest first."

How could I let my father-in-law and mother-in-law sleep in the living room?

Ling Yiyong himself didn't care, but he felt sorry for Han Ling.

So lightly he picked up the person, followed the prince Xi, and went out through the small door in the back garden.

After passing a tree-lined path of about ten meters, they entered the back garden of the villa where they lived before.

Is connected.

After returning to the room he lived in before, watching Ling Yiyong put down Han Ling, Prince Xi hurried back.

Walking is windy.

He couldn't wait to see Ling Weifeng.

He knew how much she was afraid of those things being exposed and how hard it was to conceal them.

Now that things have been dug up in such a sensational way, it will definitely collapse.

Damn it, he couldn't be by her side for the first time.

When I went upstairs, I saw a woman lying next to the bed.

Wang Jiaohua was afraid that Ling Weifeng would wake up at any time, so she didn't dare to let herself sleep too deeply.

As soon as the door opened, she reflexively sat up.

Seeing that it was Prince Xi Gu, his mind was a little confused after not resting all night.

Prince Xi Gu Shen walked in and asked her to sit in the living room for a while.

Then he took out the phone and informed Fang Jiming to pick up the person.

Only him and Ling Weifeng were left in the room, so quiet that only her unsteady breathing sounded.

He walked over and looked at the person lying on the bed, his face haggard and his lips pale.

The center of the eyebrows was twisted into a pimple.

There were still tears in the corner of his eyes.

The little hands placed on the edge of the pillow shook together anxiously, occasionally making a few scary dreams.

His heart contracted fiercely, and then overwhelmed with distress.

His Xiaofeng has suffered.

Walked to the bed, reached out and touched her face, the tentacles were cold.

She shook her hand, and there was no temperature at all.

He felt even more distressed.

I quickly took a battle bath to wash away the cold that came in from outside.

Only then got into the bed and hugged her in his arms, warming her cold body with her own body temperature.

Her body is really cold, even if the heater is turned on and the quilt is on, it still looks like an ice sculpture.