Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1363: Sever relationship 1

Wei Hongliang watched the horrible reprints and the number of comments, and showed a rising trend of fiery popularity.

It even has the heart to jump off the building.

As soon as Prince Xi Gu walked on his front foot, something like this happened on his back foot.

And he actually didn't deal with it in the first time, letting things ferment.

It's dead, dead, dead, this time it's not as simple as sending to Africa.

Immortality is unreasonable!

He was trembling with fright, and immediately organized people to delete the online posts.

But the people behind them are obviously very professional, and they are all elite hackers who can accurately avoid tracking.

Constantly changing the ID, deleting one, and uploading another.


The two sides played a game, and it was impossible to delete them all at once.

"Damn!" Wei Hongliang cursed with anger.

He was already utterly devastated and he was going crazy.

Waiting for everything to be erased, it is already twenty minutes later.

Twenty-five minutes passed.

It is not long, but the impact it causes is immeasurable.

Almost everyone already knew that Ling Weifeng had been an animal slave in the United States.

Those bloody, dirty, and cruel experiences, although pitiful, but more people regard these things as talk.

Since Ling Weifeng returned to women's clothing, she has always been a fairy-like beauty, just like the fairy who can't eat the fireworks.

But now, her image can be said to collapse in an instant.

A girl who dared to fight a bear at the age of ten, my God, it was terrible.

Wei Hongliang took out his mobile phone, his typing hands were shaking.

Now that this matter has developed, he no longer knows how to suppress it.

If you don't report early, you will probably die!

It happened that Prince Gu had just got on the plane now, and it would take 13 or 4 hours to reach the United States. This is dead.

Han Ling has started to work today. When she was working, the computer suddenly popped up this message, clicked on it, and passed out on the spot.

Ling Yiyong was also shocked when he saw it. He ran to see Han Ling for the first time and saw her falling down, scared him to rush to the hospital.

The whole company, it should be all over China now. No one does not know that Ling Weifeng once did that kind of low-level thing in the underground black market in the United States.

Speaking of Ling Weifeng, in the eyes of the public, there was no more crazy love, and only disgust and fear were left.

Yes, disgust.

In the eyes of ordinary people, all the people in the underground black market are extremely wicked, wicked people, criminals.

Regardless of why you went there, people who are in contact with that kind of place are disgusting.

And she dared to kill a ferocious bear at the age of ten. What a terrible existence it was, and who knew if she could kill.

When Grandpa Ling saw the news, a anger hit his head, and he was so angry that he smashed the computer.

"What a shame!"

He was actually thinking about asking Ling Weifeng to transfer his account back. What else would he do for such a shameful thing!

After these things were exposed, Ling Weifeng's reputation was completely ruined, let alone marrying into the Xi imperial family, even an ordinary rich family would never want such a notorious woman!

Elder Ling sat on the sofa angrily, his expression gloomy and terribly gloomy.

When such a thing happened, this granddaughter was afraid that she would never have any future. In that case, she would be clean.

This saves her from ruining the reputation of the Ling family.