Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1362: unstoppable

"Is it the only one who noticed the little girl's identity, the Ling family three daughter? Is it the Ling family three daughter I know."

"Is the same person upstairs thinking of me."

"Are the two upstairs referring to the little beauty who swept the entire China a few days ago."

"Yes, everything upstairs is right. The person in the photo is the third Miss Ling Weifeng, who was made public a few days ago, disguised as a man to seize the family property."

"Tsk tusk, the fairy turned into a beast slave, this image is really a big change of 180 degrees."

"It's disgusting, dirty, bloody, cruel."

"Oh my god, when I saw this video, I was eating and I threw up."

"My God! The black market, isn't that a place for criminals to stay, my God, the wealthy daughter is actually a criminal."

"Tsk tusk, it's no wonder she is so scheming to disguise herself as a man to seize the family property. It turns out that she has stayed in such a place."

"Fear! She can kill a bear, so has she ever killed anyone?"

"Who knows, didn't you see the post next door? I heard that she asked someone to turn her relatives, and also killed her stepmother in prison. It is said that her eldest brother was also killed very badly..."

"I am so surprised……"

"The urban routine is deep, I'll go back to the countryside..."

Under premeditated manipulation, Ling Weifeng was instantly overwhelmed by the saliva on the Internet.

All kinds of abuse and speculation are endless.

The conspiracy theories triggered by her disguised as a man, who was suppressed before, have now all been dug up.

Pushing this matter to a climax again, there was a lot of trouble.

It was even more fierce than the last time a woman disguised herself as a man!

Of course, there are some people who look at it rationally.

"Oh my God, is this really the fairy princess from the Ling family? Impossible, the image is too bad."

"I don't think so. The little princess of the Ling family is so noble and elegant, how could she be such a low-level beast slave."

"Yeah, look at the photo, you have a yellow face and thin skin, who knows who it is."

"The upstairs is right. Just put two photos out and say that it's Ling Weifeng, bullshit."

"This is completely slander! A group of spoilers, jealous parents must be beautiful and have money."

"Fuck you off, don't insult my goddess!"

"Ling Weifeng, my goddess, black my goddess and the whole family are dead..."

"Pinkeye can be cured, watch out for blindness..."

"The person who said that the person in the photo was Ling Weifeng came up with evidence, otherwise, don't babble here..."

All kinds of speeches almost dominate all the hot searches.

It's crazy, and the number of comments is rising in seconds.

Thousands of items can be refreshed almost every second.

It's so fried.

Of course, those comments were almost all scolding Ling Weifeng.

Those maintenance voices were too weak, and they were drowned before they could say it.

I can't make a noise if I want to.

The keyboard man of this era is most afraid of big things.

And the pink eye disease is very serious, Ling Weifeng made the limelight yesterday, such a noble Bai Fumei.

I don't know how many people envy and hate.

Out of all kinds of psychology, coupled with some people behind it, this matter has developed to the point of being out of control.

When Wei Hongliang received the news, five minutes had passed.

It seems to be a short time, but there is a professional team behind it, so it has swept the entire network in just five minutes.

No one knows, no one knows.