Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1361: The lingering before parting 2

Soon, Prince Xi, Gu came up.

Ling Weifeng wanted to turn off the light and go to bed, but then he said that he couldn't go to bed so early just after he was full.

Pulling her to lay on his lap, stretched out his hand to gently rub her belly.

Half an hour later, he asked, "Do you still feel supported."

"No, I think..." Sleeping.

"I want, too."

Before Ling Weifeng finished speaking, he interrupted him.

He wants too?

What to think.

Soon, she knew what he thought.

I also know why the look in his eyes just before going downstairs is so frizzy.

Your uncle!

I just tossed it hard this morning, and it came again!

She wanted to resist, however, it was doomed to resist.

I'm going to the United States tomorrow, and I don't know how many days it will take to return.

How could Master Xi Huang, who couldn't sleep with his wife for so long, let go of this last chance tonight.

It's to soak her feet again, it's a massage, and it's a supper. How can it be done without asking for interest!

At the thought of not being able to see each other for several days, the prince Xi Gu almost fought hard.

So Ling Weifeng was miserable, and when the sky was bright, he screamed so much that his voice became hoarse.

Finally, when Prince Gu made the last low growl, she crawled out from under him tremblingly.

He rolled directly to the end of the bed, curled up into a ball, and fell asleep.

The prince Gu looked at her curved beautiful back, all traces left by him, he was extremely satisfied.

Hold her to clean, check the time, there are still two hours before the time agreed with Nora.

So he hugged her, took a nap for an hour, and then simply packed a few clothes.

The person on the bed still slept soundly, without knowing he was leaving.

He walked over, treated the broken hair on her forehead lovingly, and then pecked her on the lips.

"Wife, wait for me to come back."

When he comes back, they will be able to be together in a fair manner.

He will give her a grand wedding and make her the envy of women all over the world.

He wanted to let the whole world know that Ling Weifeng was the woman of Prince Xi Gu, and those cats and dogs had not come to beat his wife.

Prince Xi Gu left, Ling Weifeng, who was planning to see him off, slept like a dead pig.

But what Prince Gu did not expect was that at the same time he was flying into the sky, a post avoided all his eyes and ears, and instantly blew up the entire network!

#凌家三千金 is the lowest beast slave! #

The following is a long description of Ling Weifeng's dark days in the underground black market in the United States.

Also equipped with pictures.

The little girl in the picture has a yellowish and thin face, tears on her dirty face, and a rusty knife in her hand, her body stained with blood.

One is even more exaggerated, half of her face is soaked with blood, her eyes are fierce and murderous.

It was not a ten-year-old girl at all, but a killing machine without any emotion.

At the end of the post, there was a video where the little girl was fighting a bear with a knife in her hand.

The methods are extremely cruel, **** and cruel.

When the post was published, it happened to be the peak of the day, so as soon as it was posted online, it immediately caused an uproar.

Within 20 seconds, over a thousand reposts and over ten thousand comments.

What an amazing speed this is!

"Oh my God, what is this? Beast slave? Is it the kind of low-level slave who fights with wild beasts for people to watch."

"It's terrible, that girl looks so small, how can such a small person defeat a bear!"