Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1303: Women's clothing, stunning the audience! 6

Having grown so old, he has not fulfilled his responsibilities as a father for a day.

The girl had to be pampered, but he threw her to the United States for six years.

The princess, who should have been holding it in her hand, had to live as a boy for eighteen years, how much hardship she had suffered.

When she was a child, Ling Weifeng was too weak, and he still wanted to throw her into the Xi imperial army for training, but then she went abroad, so she didn't send her to the army.

Ling Yiyong was scared for a while, and if he really sent him to the army, it would be very distressing.

How delicate a girl is, how can she suffer those sufferings.

"Chairman, would you like to rest on the sofa over there?"

Seeing Ling Yiyong's tired face, Secretary Qi came to remind him immediately.

Last night, almost the entire Ling's Group worked overtime collectively, but these employees took a few hours of rest during shifts, and only the chairman worked the whole time.

I didn't sleep all night, and rushed over early in the morning. I must be exhausted.

In fact, Secretary Qi didn't quite understand. He could obviously take advantage of Ling Weifeng's more than an hour to take a break in the company, why Ling Yiyong had to give up the rest and come over.

Ling Yiyong only glanced at Secretary Qi faintly, and his gaze returned to Ling Weifeng's face.

Is it important to have a rest with my daughter?

After finally getting the haircut, Mary took Ling Weifeng to change clothes.

Ling Yiyong and Secretary Qi were waiting outside.

About ten minutes later, Ling Weifeng changed his clothes and came out.

All the people waiting outside, their expressions were surprisingly consistent, they were all petrified, completely shocked in place!

It is obviously a simple set of clothes, but it is so dusty when worn on her.

She was slender and she could wear this suit alive.

The white fox fur holds the delicate chin, which is pretty and moving.

For the lips with light makeup, the lipstick is a vibrant orange-red, soft as a seductive jelly.

The skin on the face can be broken by blowing, as if you can pinch out water with a pinch.

Mary is worthy of being a world-famous gold medalist. The wig is worn on her head, it is perfect, no flaws at all.

The cute princess Liwotou still has two slightly curly hairs on both sides of her forehead, which adds a bit of playfulness and vitality.

Once Ling Weifeng appeared, it was a stunning time, enough to force a retreat from all the prosperity of the world.

Ling Yiyong was sad and proud.

The sad thing is that he missed the growth of his daughter and allowed her to live as a boy for so many years.

I'm proud that his daughter is so good and so temperamental!

Seeing everyone staring at him in a daze, Ling Weifeng was very awkward.

Also very nervous.

After all, this is the first time she has appeared in front of people she knows in women's clothing.

When I was in the United States, only the prince Xi Gu knew him, and the prince Xi had seen her in women's clothing, so he didn't think much.

Now in this situation, her little hands are all mixed up with tension.

"Wh...how? Isn't it strange?" Ling Weifeng lowered his head, a little embarrassed.

"Oh my God, Miss San, if I were a man, it must be you who did not marry me!"

Secretary Qi exclaimed after reacting.

It's so beautiful, this kind of pure natural beauty, but also dazzlingly beautiful, in this era full of Internet celebrities, it is almost extinct!

Men's clothing is handsome, and women's clothing is so beautiful. Is this still human?

Ling Yiyong was still proud that his daughter was so good-looking, but when he heard Secretary Qi's words, his face suddenly fell.

"My princess, can you think about it?"

Secretary Qi, "..."

Is she just an analogy?

At ten o'clock, the press conference started on time.