Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1280: Divorce, don't even think about it

"Can it be held tomorrow."

Xiao Feng must be very sad now that something so serious has happened and needs a person to talk to. She may not be able to help much, but it is still possible to be a loyal listener silently.

"No! Si Ming, you can't be so headstrong, I can only help you procrastinate for an hour at most."

Wang Jiaohua bit her lip, "Well, I will be back in an hour."

First go to pick up Ling Weifeng, then rush back to develop the cloth meeting, and then go with Ling Weifeng at night.

"Brother Star, can I not go to the celebration banquet in the evening."

Meng Xing looked at her solemnly, "Go to Fang Jiming again? Don't forget that you are a public figure.

It is not good for you to announce your relationship now, especially Fang Jiming or the eldest of the Fang family, regardless of whether the relationship between you is normal or not, you will be labelled as a parent. "

Wang Jiaohua's face changed slightly, and her heart felt bitter.

Yes, the identities of her and Fang Jiming are so different. Even if they are in a romantic relationship, in the eyes of outsiders, she is just being nurtured.

Moreover, if her relationship with Fang Jiming is exposed, then all her achievements, in the eyes of outsiders, are obtained by holding Fang Jiming's thigh.

No one will look at her efforts.

Biting her lip lightly, she nodded, "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure. I'm not going to the senior tonight, something happened to a friend's house."

"Ling Weifeng?"

As an agent, he knew the relationship between Wang Jiaohua and Ling Weifeng.

"Yeah." Wang Jiaohua nodded.

Meng Xing's expression eased a little, "Go ahead, I will try to help you delay the time."

"Thank you Brother Star."

Wang Jiaohua walked out quickly, and just arrived at the underground parking lot when she received a text message from Ling Weifeng.

[Xiao Huahua, don’t use it to pick me up, please call back. 】

After sending the message, Ling Weifeng put the phone away, raised his head, and looked at the car parked in front blankly.

Ling Yiyong got out of the car, opened the door of the co-pilot, his eyes fell on Han Ling, who had red and swollen eyes, "Get in."

There was not the slightest temperature in Han Ling's red eyes.

"Regarding the distribution of property after the divorce, I will ask the lawyer to contact you."

She turned her head away, not wanting to look at this man again.

Ling Yiyong's expression changed, and then he said coldly, "Don't even think about divorce!"

Han Ling sneered, "Do you think I might stay at Ling's house?"

All the poisonous oaths were taken, and in this life, Han Ling would never step into the gate of Ling's family again!

Ling Yiyong looked at her deeply, suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged Han Ling up.

"What are you doing, let me go!"

Ling Yiyong ignored her struggles and directly stuffed people into the car, and helped her fasten the seat belt and slammed the door.

Then he opened the door of the back seat and looked at Ling Weifeng, "Xiao Feng, get in the car."

Ling Weifeng walked over without expression, and when he got into the car, Ling Yiyong put his hand on top of her head and guarded it carefully.

For fear that she would meet her head.

Along the way, Han Ling had a gloomy face, "Where are you taking us."

"Come back home."


Han Ling sneered, and at the same time, her heart was extremely bitter. Her home was gone.

The Han family is not her home, nor is the Ling family.

Once she was the proud girl of heaven, but now, she looks like a bereaved dog.

All betrayed and left homeless.

The car drove all the way and came to a half-hill villa. Ling Yiyong drove the car directly in. After parking the car, he got out of the car first.