Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1278: Heartbreak (reward plus more)

Old man Ling roared from behind, and Han Ling paused.

She didn't look back, just her voice, bitterly cold.

"I, Han Ling, swear by the heavens, if you step into the Ling family again in this life, you won't die from life to life!"

As soon as these words fell, Ling Jiang and Ling Mengxi quickly raised their heads, looked at each other, and then looked away.

Looking down, Ling Jiang's eyes flashed with pleasure.

Let's go, let's go, let's all go, from now on the Ling family will belong to him.

See who dares to say that he is an illegitimate child!

The corner of Ling Mengxi's mouth rose slowly, and was soon suppressed again.

The more this is the time, the more you have to keep your breath.

Ling Yiyong shook his body violently, almost unsteady on his feet.

His face was even more terribly pale.

"Mom." Ling Weifeng wiped tears, and was about to chase away.

She can do nothing, as long as her mother.

"Stop!" Elder Ling shouted angrily, "Ling Weifeng, if you dare to step out of this door today, you will no longer belong to the Ling family!"

Ling Jiang's heart suddenly raised, what does this mean, the old man didn't plan to drive Ling Weifeng out as well.

Ling Mengxi's eyes directly showed hatred.

Ling's daughter is enough to have her, what kind of Ling Weifeng!

Why rob her!

However, they all just dared not speak up, and didn't dare to make trouble in front of Old Man Ling.

Ling Weifeng paused before moving on.

Old man Ling was accustomed to being praised, and now he was disobedient by a back, and was furious.

"Ling Weifeng, without the backing of the Ling family, you are nothing, let alone marry into the Xi imperial family again!"

Kang Dang——

Ling Weifeng heard his heartbroken voice.

Haha, it was this idea originally.

It's really her good grandfather, at this time, he actually wants to use her to marry the royal family.

There are really shameless people in this world.

In his eyes, the relationship between all people is left to use.

She suddenly speeded up and rushed out.

It's really scary. I don't want to see this place again for a lifetime.


Elder Ling held his chest with one hand, shaking like sifting, almost unsteady on his feet.

Butler Bai stood aside, watching such a farce, and he couldn't tell the ease in his heart!

Xiaoxin, have you seen it, the people who killed you are already restless.

Do you feel a little relieved in the Spirit of Heaven?

Don't worry, I will send them all to **** soon!

Once they owed you, the Lan family, and the Bai family, I will get back ten times a hundred times!

It took a long time for Grandpa Ling to relieve his anger, and he pointed at Ling Yiyong angrily.

"You, immediately release the news. A press conference will be held tomorrow to announce the divorce from the poisoned woman and announce that Xiao Jiang is the heir of the Ling family.

As for Xiao Feng, tell her that I will give her one last chance. If she is willing to come back and be obedient, she is still my Ling family's daughter, otherwise she will never come back again! "

Ling Yiyong was just about to go out, and looked at Grandpa Ling's gaze with endless disappointment.

"Be good? What do you want Xiao Feng to listen to."

Elder Ling snorted coldly, "Of course he is married to Master Xi Huang."

"If she refuses to come back." Ling Yi bravely stared at Old Man Ling.

"Then kick her out of Ling's house and remove her name from the household registration book!"

Old man Ling was furious. He firmly believed that Ling Weifeng would come back. After all, without the backing of Ling's family, she was a girl, and she was not bullied!

Don't even want to marry a good family!