Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1275: Out of Ling's House 2

I really want to drive these two shameless and greedy shameless people out!

Ling Weifeng was full of anger and was about to speak, but Han Ling held her hand.

Han Ling straightened her chest and looked directly at Grandpa Ling.

"That's right, I made Xiaofeng a woman disguised as a man, just for the Ling family's property!"


Old man Ling was about to speak, and Han Ling interrupted directly, "Why can't I be greedy? That's what I have earned. The Ling family can have today's achievements and have half of my credit. That was originally mine. I Why can't I get it back? Why should I take advantage of that **** Xia Chunlin!

I, Han Ling, are a human being, not a dog of your Ling family, so why do you work hard and blame your Ling family as a cow.

I have paid so much for the Ling family, but in this family I am just an outsider. In addition to being angry or angry, why!

I just can’t figure it out. I, Han Ling, is not worthy of your Ling family because I can’t give birth, so you let that **** Xia Chunlin in!

Just because Xia Chunlin came to the door back then because of me, you feel that I let the Ling family lose face, and these years have not given me a good face.

You with the surname Ling are the most hypocritical person I have ever seen. You put all your faults on me back then. You scolded me shamelessly. You blamed me for not coming up with such a broken idea. You resent me for provoke Xia Chunlinling. The Ling family discredited.

You cast all your anger on me, turn around and let Xia Chunlin, who really embarrassed the Ling family, come in!

He was holding that **** and showed off everywhere.

It is not me who humiliated the Ling family, it is you!

You obviously agree with what I did at the beginning. You obviously like the **** very much, but you think that the illegitimate has a bad way and you can't pass the hurdle in your heart, so you treat me as a punching bag.

Run me everywhere and insult me ​​just to make you feel better.

When you become a watch, don't set up arches everywhere, it's really disgusting! "

Han Ling scolded all the resentment for so many years, and her chest rose and fell with anger.

These words, as early as Xia Chunlin came in, she wanted to scold them.

It's just her education that doesn't allow her to scold those swear words.

Now, I finally couldn't help it.

The tree will die if it doesn't need skin, and people are shameless and invincible!

That's the kind of person!

Ling Jiang's face was gloomy and terribly dark, and the illegitimate child Han Ling kept saying was him.

This made the resentment in his heart soar to the extreme.

Yes, he is an illegitimate child. Although others do not say it, he is very clear in his heart that he is an illegitimate child.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, Ling Yiyong has two wives, everyone knows that Xia Chunlin is just a junior.

Han Ling is Ling Yiyong's legal wife, and Ling Weifeng is the righteous heir of the Ling family.

Those high-class people, although they seem to treat him and Ling Mengxi as being from the Ling family, although they seem to treat him equally, it is just that subtle attitude that still makes people feel very uncomfortable.

This is a thorn in his heart, he can't pull it out!

"You, you..." Elder Ling was so angry that his body could not stop shaking.

"The shrew! The Han family is such a tutor! You look like you are now, no matter how you look like a famous lady, you are simply a market shrew!"

Han Ling smiled coldly, "Education? It depends on who the other party is!"

Does anyone who only has interests in his eyes deserve her respect?