Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1274: Drive out of Ling's house 1

Ling Weifeng thought that if his heart was cold, there would be no more pain.

However, when he heard this sentence, he was stabbed severely.

Take it to check?

How to check, this is tantamount to a body search, such a humiliating approach, as a grandfather, she doesn't even think about her feelings.

Sure enough, he couldn't have any hope for this old man.

The two maids trembled and didn't know what to do.

Under the terrifying gaze of the old man Ling, he teased and walked towards Ling Weifeng.

But seeing the sneer at the corner of Ling Weifeng's mouth, he was too scared to move forward.

"No need to check, don't you just want to confirm that I am a male or female, grandpa, I can tell you clearly, yes, I am a girl, are you satisfied with this answer?"

Ling Weifeng spoke very calmly, but the corner of his mouth was filled with endless mockery.

"Xiao Feng, don't say it." Han Ling suddenly rushed forward, covering Ling Weifeng's mouth with a pale face.

Seeing Han Ling's horrified eyes, Ling Weifeng's heart was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

Her gaze fell on Ling Yiyong, and he was still in a daze. His shocked and unbelievable gaze locked their mother and daughter.

Ling Weifeng's heart was already a little numb, she had never expected this father.

Never, never.

She only needs her mother.

After blinking, he forced back the tears that he wanted to gush out.

She can't cry, she can't lose control, because she wants to protect her mother.

"Mom, don't be afraid, even if you leave Ling's house, I can take care of you for the rest of my life."

Ling's family, really had enough!

Han Ling nodded tearfully, "Mom will protect you."

It's not that she is incapable, leaving Ling's family, she can also live a wonderful life.

After so many years of grievances and seeking completeness, it is nothing more than unwillingness.

Only now, I really don't want to fight anymore.

This place is suffocating!

"Bastard! Poisonous woman, you, you..." Old man Ling was already furious, and his hand pointing at Han Ling was shaking constantly.

That look makes her want to eat her alive!

"You disgusting woman, who obviously gave birth to a daughter and raised her as a son, what is your purpose!"

I see, you are coveting my Ling family's property, you hypocritical woman, you are cruel! "

Han Ling looked up, her eyes full of hatred, "I covet your Ling family's property? Don't think everyone is as dirty as you!"

"Dare you say that you are not! If you don't want to steal my Ling family's property, why do you call a good daughter a son? For eighteen years, you actually deceived my Ling family for eighteen years!"

Elder Ling said angrily, and then glared at Ling Weifeng, "And you! You and this disgusting woman actually conceal your true gender, what do you want to do, do you also want to covet Ling's property? My daughter’s house, sooner or later, I will marry someone, so what do I greedy for so much money!"

For Ling Weifeng, how proud Old Man Ling was before, how embarrassed he is now.

It's never a secret to fight between the rich and powerful. Every family will have it.

However, no matter how much you fight, it will not show up.

It's good for them to be in the Ling family, they were exposed in the public, and it was still such a big scandal!

It simply made Ling's face disgraced!

Those who came today were all fascinating figures, and many of them were old friends of his past, but he did not expect to end up in this way.

All his face was lost!