Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1269: Identity exposure 2

In the venue, Ling Weifeng waited from left to right, but did not wait for Prince Xi to take care of him.

She was a little puzzled, didn't she say that she had already set off, why hadn't it been so long.

I sent him a message again, but there was no reply.

Is it driving, so I didn't see the information?

This was the only way she wanted to come, so she waited for nearly half an hour, but still didn't come.

When Elder Ling went up to give a speech, she would announce her identity as the heir. At such an important moment, she hoped he would be there.

But how come it hasn't arrived yet.

I was about to call and ask, however, at this moment, Grandpa Ling had already stepped onto the stage.

In fact, he was also waiting for Prince Xi.

The Xi royal people represent the supreme status in China.

If the heirs of the Xi imperial family can be present, it will definitely make the Ling Family Pengxuan shine!

Moreover, the prince Gu also agreed to be present, but he had been waiting for nearly an hour, and the host had reminded him many times.

He still hadn't waited until Prince Xi Gu, and Grandpa Ling had to give up.

Since it is daytime, no lights are used.

Elder Ling, dressed in a Tang suit, looked very energetic and refreshed.

He stood in the middle of the stage, facing the microphone, his voice was strong and majestic.

"Everyone, please listen to Ling's words first. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend Ling's birthday party..."

What followed was a long list of official speeches, which Ling Weifeng was not interested in.

She swept back and forth in the crowd with some boredom, hoping to find the figure of Prince Xi Gu.

However, she was finally disappointed.

He really didn't come.

As he retracted his gaze, he touched Ling Jiang's face that seemed to be smiling.

Those eyes were full of provocation, and there was also gloating and ambition.

Ling Weifeng frowned, what did this mean.

Today, Grandpa Ling will announce that he will hand over the Ling family to her, shouldn't Ling Jiang be the most disappointed at this time? Shouldn't he be very sad.

However, Ling Weifeng could not see any loss on his face.

Instead, he was smiling, smugly.

The gaze seemed to be looking at an insignificant person.

This gave Ling Weifeng a vague premonition.

"In addition, Ling has one important thing to announce today..."

Elder Ling's angry words came into his ears, pulling Ling Weifeng's thoughts back.

She knew that this very important matter was about the Ling family's inheritance rights.

She looked at the old man Ling on the stage, feeling surprisingly calm.

There is no excitement, but a little uneasy.

The smile that Ling Jiang had just made had been circling in her mind.

Soon, she knew what the anxiety was in her heart.

Because just when Grandpa Ling was about to say her name, a group of photos suddenly appeared on the big screen behind him.

One set of photos of her in women's clothing.

Long hair shawl, Qiaoxiao Yanran, charming and charming.

Ling Weifeng recognized that these photos were all taken while she was wearing women's clothing in the United States.

The photo was only herself, and did not include Prince Xi Gu.

Her mind buzzed and went blank.

The blood on her face also faded in an instant, an inexplicable fear instantly surrounded her.

The huge venue was silent.

When Han Ling saw this group of photos, her face was as white as paper, her legs softened and she staggered back two steps.

Eyes panicked.

She never expected that the secret she had concealed for eighteen years would suddenly be revealed.