Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1260: question

Ling Weifeng's mood was still affected.

I don't know why, Ou Aiqi's email gave her a heavy feeling.

Obviously, she was just a passer-by, but during the whole day of work, she had the content of the email in her mind.

Why did you get married so soon? Would you really be happy in such a hurry?

At least get engaged first, and get along for a while to see if it fits.

When I got home from get off work at night, I saw Xihuangzhen and Du Ruxue sitting in the living room with gloomy faces, looking like they were waiting for someone.

Ling Weifeng frowned. Didn't these two move back to the Xi royal family? Nora and Bruno live in the Xi royal family. They don't need to entertain them?

"Uncle Xi, why are you here, Nora."

"She went to the base and said she wanted to hurry up and sort out the management plan."

"Oh." Ling Weifeng responded faintly, "Admiral Bruno returned to the United States?"

Xi Huangzhen nodded.

Ling Weifeng said nothing, she felt even heavier.

Bruno is Nora's daughter. If he were to let him know that Nora's engagement with Prince Gu was actually fake. I don't know what it would be like.

Ouaiqi is a poor man, Nora is also a poor man.

She was very irritable, and was about to go upstairs when she heard the door opening, and Prince Xi came back.

Ling Weifeng paused, and she felt that the atmosphere was not right.

Xihuangzhen's expression was a bit scary.

And Du Ruxue constantly winked at Prince Xi.

Ling Weifeng didn't go upstairs anymore, and sat beside Han Ling to see what was going on.

Prince Xi Gu walked in, his expression as cold as ever.

"what's up."

Seeing this look of Xingshi's questioning, Prince Xi asked coldly.

Xihuangzhen became angry, "You are attacking the Ou family's industry recently, and you have annexed all the power of the Ou family in China?"


The prince Gu directly recognized the woman who dared to move him, and wanted to retreat all over, there was no door!

Xihuangzhen was simply annoyed by his attitude.

The friendship between Ou Jia and Xi Royal has always been good, and the two have always cooperated.

He actually swallowed all the Ou family's properties in China without saying a word.

If Ou’s family is angered, the industrial chain of Xi Royal in Europe is also annexed or excluded, and the loss of the European market will be a shocking loss.

It's just nonsense!

Prince Xi looked sharply, "Dad, don't worry about this matter."

"I don't care, you will offend everyone sooner or later!"

Xihuangzhen was simply **** to death. This son is strong or strong, but his temperament is too extreme, and he is very domineering.

Every shot can offend people to death, without leaving any affection.

This style of doing things is completely unpopular. Unless he can always stand on top, if he loses his power, everyone will definitely push the wall down.

Gu, the prince Xi, didn't take it seriously, "If there is nothing wrong, I will go upstairs first."

"Stop, return all the Ou family's properties, and then come to apologize."

Behind him came the furious voice of Xihuangzhen, but the prince Gu kept his footsteps and walked directly upstairs.

Du Ruxue weakly pulled Xi Huangzhen's sleeve, "Actually, the matter is not that serious, isn't there no movement from the Ou family."

"It will be too late when there is a movement. This is exactly the rhythm of tearing his face. How do you tell me to face Oujia in the future!"

"Then...the European market is at best, and our house is not bad."