Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1257: The computer can walk by itself

Suddenly thinking of something, the smile on his face froze.

If the information he understands is correct, his wife seems to be in charge of the network.

And her computer skills...

Prince Xi Gu suddenly got up and strode into the room.

Sure enough, he saw his dear wife sitting cross-legged on the bed with an ultrabook on her lap.

And her face was gloomy and terrifying.

In an instant, Prince Xi felt that the sky was rolling.


It was really his wife who intercepted him just now, this is simply...

He didn't know what to say.

Seeing him appear, Ling Weifeng immediately closed the superbook and then grinned.

A pair of peach blossom eyes bent into crescents instantly.

No matter how you look at it.

"Emperor Xi." Ling Weifeng exclaimed flatly.

The smile of Wu Yin three hundred taels here seems to say that there is a ghost in my heart, but you can't see it.

Prince Xi's eyes narrowed, "What do you call me?"

"Emperor Xi."

"Brother Xihuang."

Ling Weifeng, "..."

Can she throw this man down the window, can she!

However, in order not to let him see that there was a ghost in her heart, she resisted the goose bumps all over her body and yelled softly, "Brother Xihuang."


I want to throw up.

For her title, Prince Xi Gu was finally satisfied.

"What are you doing." He asked inadvertently.

Ling Weifeng smiled, "Playing games."

He knew those things and she didn't want him to know, so she didn't follow up.

Just wanting to let her go vaguely, forget it, but once again fell back to her superbook.

"Why did your computer get out of bed? Huh?"

Ling Weifeng was a little guilty, "Yes...it came by itself, not I got out of bed to get it."

Prince Xi Gu, "..."

Wife, before you make any excuses, can you take your mind first.

In view of the fact that his wife was too disobedient, Prince Gu moved his office from the study to the bedroom.

I was sitting on the coffee table looking at the documents.

But the look of his wife in her pajamas turning over and over on the bed was so charming that he looked hot.

So I moved the office from the coffee table to the bed.

He carried Ling Weifeng into his arms, and then she played with her King of Glory, and he read his files.

The soft little body leaned against his arms softly, and the fragrance that belonged to her occasionally got into his nose, filling his heart.

He likes being tired of being with her very much, and he wants to become a Siamese baby, sticking to her all the time.

He brought a plate of snacks and put it on the bedside table.

Looking at the gaps in the file, I occasionally pulled out a hand to feed her a piece of cake.

There was food, Ling Weifeng was very cooperative, and immediately opened his mouth when he saw Prince Xi Gu feeding.

No one spoke, and the atmosphere was very warm.

This kind of time that is always tiring and crooked together flies very fast.

The next day, after repeatedly confirming that Ling Weifeng was really okay, Prince Xi finally showed compassion and agreed to get out of bed and walk.

The moment his foot stepped on the carpet, Ling Weifeng almost burst into tears.

She can finally get out of bed, and finally can walk. It's not easy.

If she doesn't walk around, her legs will degenerate.

After breakfast, Prince Xi Gu sent Ling Weifeng to work in the Ling Group.

The two confessed to each other and said that they had gone to play with their classmates and there would be no flaws.

After watching Ling Weifeng enter the Ling Group, Prince Xi Gu did not immediately return to the Royal Building.

Instead, he went to Ou Aiqi's residence.