Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1221: Daughter's body secretly exposed

For money, she has always regarded money.

What she wants is Ling Weifeng's life!

So Bai Feifei felt relieved, "If you want to help Ling Jiang win the right of inheritance, it is not simple. Ling Weifeng does not have the conditions to inherit the Ling family."

"what did you say?"

"The unwritten rule of the Ling family is that the family business is passed down from male to female."

Bai Feifei sneered, with a little bit of mockery.

It was really an old-fashioned family, and the patriarchal thought was very serious. She had never seen such a feudal family.

In the tradition of the Ling family, the daughter is going to marry. If the family business is passed on to the daughter, the surname will be changed in the future, and the Ling family will no longer be the Ling family.

Oh, really ridiculous!

Butler Bai still didn't quite understand Bai Feifei's words, and he always knew that the Ling family did not pass on males to females.

So Ling Jiang and Ling Weifeng have always been fighting, and Ling Mengxi is an abandoned son from beginning to end!

"Dad, don't you know? Ling Weifeng is a girl. In order to fight for property, Han Ling let her daughter pretend to be a man and live for 18 years. Heh, what a good mother, disgusting!"

Butler Bai's eyes widened suddenly, and the expression on his face was infinitely magnified.

If the person speaking in front of him is his most dear daughter, he would think he was listening to a big joke!

Is Ling Weifeng a girl? ! ! !

how is this possible!

When Ling Weifeng was born, he saw it with his own eyes. He was obviously a boy.

And if it is really a girl, for eighteen years, for a whole eighteen years, how could there be no flaws at all.


This was so incredible, he couldn't believe that a boy was suddenly told that it was a daughter.

Butler Bai was still in shock, he recalled everything about Ling Weifeng.

I don't want to know, I was shocked when I thought about it.

In her body, there are many phenomena that are labeled as neutral and indisputable. In fact, if you think about it from another angle, she is a girl!

But how is this possible!

It's incredible!

"How is it possible, how is it possible." The white housekeeper muttered to himself, obviously shocked and unable to return to God. "When she was born, I saw it with my own eyes. When the full moon was drinking, I personally helped her change her diapers... …"

Bai Feifei sneered. She knew Ling Weifeng's past better than anyone else.

"That little boy is not Ling Weifeng at all, Dad, don't forget, Ling Weifeng was born in the Han's hospital, and Han Ling wanted to do things, and it was mostly human cooperation."

"What exactly is going on!"

"What else is going on? Han Ling wants to fight for the Ling family's property. Ling Weifeng was contracted out when he was in the delivery room, and he changed it back after the full moon.

Dad, think about it carefully, when Ling Weifeng was a girl when he looked at his gender on the B-ultrasound?

He was born a boy, don't you doubt it.

And before and after her full moon, did Han Ling's attitude change drastically? "

Butler Bai thought about it seriously, it seemed that it was really the case. Needless to say about the B-ultrasound, it was such a big oolong, and because of this, he had a fingertip marriage with Xi Royal.

It's just that the patriarch of Ling was patriarchal, and he was a son after he was born, so he was too happy to find Bei on the spot.

No one is going to pursue it, and there is no way to pursue it. After all, the one who came out of the delivery room was a son.

Only that month, Han Ling's attitude towards the baby was not very enthusiastic.

Everyone thought that she was in confinement and she was vacant. That's why she was like this.