Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1217: Father and daughter recognize each other (reward plus more)

Staring at the phone angrily for a long time, Ling Weifeng decided to ignore the dead man.

When I go home at night, I definitely want him to look good!

So she vented all her anger to her work, and her efficiency was almost tripled!

Tonight is the engagement banquet of the Xi princes Gu and Nora. Almost all the people in the upper class are invited.

Father Ling is no exception.

So at noon, I asked the white housekeeper to personally get back the clothes he ordered.

It is the most famous clothing store in Beijing, and the customized clothes will be placed in a separate room.

When the employer comes to pick it up, the designer will provide special services to explain the design concept to the client.

These are all done in the room where the clothes are placed.

So when the white housekeeper walked into the exclusive room, he saw a female designer with her back to him, fiddling with her clothes.

"Hello, I'm here to fetch the clothes." Bai Butler said.

"Excuse me, please close the door." The female designer said without looking back.

Butler Bai is a bit dissatisfied. Didn't it mean that the service attitude of this clothing store is very good? Why is this designer so rude?

The guest came, without looking back.

Although he felt a little unhappy, Butler White turned and closed the door.

"Unlocked, thank you."

Butler Bai frowned, only to introduce the clothes, he shouldn't need to lock the door.

I became increasingly dissatisfied with the service attitude of this clothing store.

But he still locked the door.

There is only one woman here, and he is not afraid of anything.

After the door was locked, the white housekeeper turned around and walked towards the clothes.

He stopped one meter away from the female designer.

The female designer slowly raised her head, then turned around.

The moment she saw the female designer's face, the pupils of the white housekeeper slowly enlarged.

The mouth also opened slowly because of unbelievability, and the fingers were raised tremblingly, pointing to the female designer.

He opened his mouth and finally made a sound, "Xiaoxin..."

Just as he spoke, he suddenly denied, "No, you are not Xiaoxin, Xiaoxin is dead, and not so young, you are... you are..."

He couldn't believe his eyes, and he burst into tears.

He opened his mouth, and in a hoarse to vicissitudes of life, he called out the name that had pained him for more than 20 years, "Fei Fei..."

The tears that had filled Bai Feifei's eyes fell steadily.

She choked her voice, almost unable to control her emotions, "Dad..."

"Feifei, it's really Feifei, my daughter." Butler Bai couldn't restrain his impulse.

Two steps directly forward, holding Bai Feifei in his arms.


Bai Feifei let him hold her, crying.

"Feifei, my daughter, you have suffered."

Butler White hugged her for a long time and coaxed softly.

Seeing his long-lost daughter crying into tears, he felt distressed.

"Fei Fei be good, with father here, I won't make you suffer anymore, be good."

"Woo...Dad, I miss you so much, why haven't you come to me for so many years..."

Listening to the daughter's blame, the white housekeeper's heart is like a knife, and the man does not flick when he has tears.

However, at this time, he was already in tears.

"Dad has looked for you and my brother, and has been looking for it, but I can't find you, Feifei, where have you been all these years, brother, why are you alone, where did Xiaodu go, huh?"

When it comes to whiteness, Bai Feifei's tears flowed more fiercely, and at the same time endless hatred flowed out of his eyes.

She clutched the white steward's sleeves tightly, and spoke almost hoarsely, "Brother is dead, he was killed by Ling Weifeng!"