Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1208: Who cooks

Ling Weifeng and Ling Yiyong had never seen Du Ruxue Sapo and were shocked.

Boss with his mouth open.

Du Ruxue cried for a while, and found that Prince Xi Gu just looked at her blankly without letting go. She felt boring.

So he looked at Prince Gu with a begging look.

With a kind of son, if you don't agree to live with me, I will always see your firm expression until you agree, staring straight at it.

Prince Xi had a headache, "Mom, I don't have a guest room here."

Du Ruxue's eyes lit up, is this a promise?

"Who says no, aren't there many rooms on the first floor? I just pick one at random."

"Those rooms are empty, there is not even a bed, it is too late to buy now."

"It's okay, it's okay, I've made the butler arrange everything, and the salutes are already in the closet."

Ling Weifeng, "..."

Prince Xi Gu, "..."

You have already lived in, and what are you talking about so much nonsense! ! !

Prince Xi Gu no longer wanted to talk, he knew that this mother was not reliable!

Forget it, let's live in as soon as you live in, anyway, Ling Yiyong and Han Ling have already moved in, it doesn't matter if there are two more.

As for Ling Weifeng, it was to sleep with him anyway, be careful so that he would not be discovered.

Turning his head to Ling Weifeng's side, Prince Xi asked in a soft voice, "Have you eaten?"

Du Ruxue, "Not yet."

Xihuangzhen, "Not yet."

Ling Yiyong, "Not yet."

Han Ling, "Not yet."

If he said in unison, the corner of his eyes was twitching!

He has an urge to roar. This large group of people is sitting here, is it possible to wait for him to come back to cook and wait? ! ! !

As soon as Du Ruxue wanted to say, going out to eat or order takeaway, Prince Xi turned and walked out with a black face.

Ling Weifeng hurriedly followed, "Xihuang, where are you going."

"Buy groceries." The prince Xi left the two words coldly, and went out with a black face.

Ling Weifeng also changed his shoes and went with him.

Inside the house, Du Ruxue still looked ignorant, and then turned to look at Xihuangzhen, "My son said to go shopping? Is it possible that he wants to cook himself?"

Damn it!

When will her son cook, why doesn't she, the mother, know! ! !

Half an hour later, Prince Gu came back with two large bags of ingredients.

Ling Weifeng followed behind him, carrying a small bag in his hand.

Du Ruxue greeted them as soon as they came back.

"Yeah, buy so much, do you have to pay attention to it?"

While talking, he passed the prince Xi Gu, and took the bag of three potatoes in Ling Weifeng's hand, for fear that it would be crushed to Ling Weifeng.

The corner of Gu's eyes twitched wildly.

He was carrying two big bags in his hand, why no one came to pick him up! ! !

His face was getting darker and darker. He took the things to the kitchen, took out the dishes to be made tonight, and stuffed the rest into the refrigerator.

The refrigerator, which was originally empty, was suddenly full.

Prince Xi Gu began to wash the vegetables, and Ling Weifeng and Du Ruxue were already sitting neatly in front of the bar and waiting.

Ling Weifeng waited to eat, Du Ruxue waited to see how his son cooked.

Xihuangzhen also walked in. He didn't know that his son had actually learned to cook.

Ling Yiyong and Han Ling were a little sad, so they also came in to see if they could help.

The kitchen, which was originally very spacious, seemed a bit crowded with so many people standing at once.