Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1204: Notorious

Ling Jiang walked out of the police station very irritably. The afternoon sun hit him with the warm sun, but he could not feel any warmth.

Back at the Lingshi Group, the two beauties at the front desk were whispering to each other. When they saw him coming in, they immediately silenced them and looked at him strangely.

The employees in the lobby on the first floor, seeing him come in, all stopped their work and looked at him with a subtle look.

Ling Jiang was expressionless and walked straight towards the elevator.

"It's so pitiful, the eldest master has such a sinister mother."

"Yes, Xia Chunlin is too shameless, she actually framed President Han."

"Mr. Han is really miserable, he actually got into this kind of woman."

"Cut, what a shame is this, you don't know yet, Xia Chunlin was originally a junior."

"Ah? Didn't it mean that Xia Chunlin is also President Ling's wife? How could he be a junior?"

"Bah, what a wife, things in wealthy families are complicated."

"Yes, yes, I listened to my brother-in-law’s second aunt’s third brother-in-law’s brother-in-law’s friend’s husband’s distant relatives, that Xia Chunlin was shameless at the beginning and prescribed medicine to Mr. Ling. Then he was pregnant for seven months and had a big belly. The Ling family, force the Ling family to allow her to enter the door, or they will take the child away."

"Ah? No, how could that woman be so shameless and ruin someone else's marriage? It's really disgusting."

"That kid, isn't he the eldest master? Oh my God, the eldest master is not righteous."

"No wonder! President Ling loves the young master so much, but he never shows him a good face."

"Tsk tusk, Xiaosan's superior wow, this method is really poisonous..."

At the last moment when the elevator door was closed, the whispers of the fried pot in the lobby on the first floor still passed to Ling Jiang's ears, making him pale with anger.

The fist was clenched and tightened, and the blue veins on the back of the hand were bulging.

He didn't expect that when Han Ling was taken away, he would not be able to set off a storm.

However, his mother was taken away, and the entire company looked at him with that kind of contempt.

When he returned to the office, Ling Weifeng had not yet returned.

He didn't want to wait for her to come back either, so he handed over all the work at hand to Ling Weifeng's assistant.

When he walked out of the Ling Group, he looked back at the high-rise buildings behind him, and secretly swore that he would take it back here!

When he returned to Ling's house, Old Man Ling was still lying down.

Ling Jiang went to see it once and was scolded bloody.

He just stood by silently, indifferent no matter how insulted the old man.

He knows this grandfather too much, selfishly, and there is always only interest in his heart. The so-called grandson is just a **** in his eyes.

The chess piece made a mistake, how could he still have a good face.

Old man Ling cursed, seeing that Ling Jiang did not respond, and finally kicked the person out of the room.

When I walked out the door, I just saw the oncoming white housekeeper.

The eyes of the two met in mid-air, and then each walked away.

Ling Jiang had just returned to the room when Ling Mengxi entered.

Her eyes were red and swollen, and her face was anxious, "Brother, how is mom now?"

Ling Jiang was a little irritable and threw himself onto the sofa without answering Ling Mengxi's words.

Ling Mengxi hurriedly followed him, "Brother, is Mom arrested? Brother, you have to find a way to save Mom."

"It's so noisy, do you think I don't want to save it? Dad doesn't care about it. How can you save me? If you have the ability, you can save it.

Ling Jiang's voice was loud, Ling Mengxi was frightened, and stood trembling at the side.