Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1180: Damn it!

Turn left, after fifty meters, a villa appeared.

And the prince Gu, at this time, was wearing a house coat, standing in front of the villa.

Ling Weifeng was a little surprised, obviously he hadn't figured out the situation.

She stopped the car, and Prince Xi Gu put his hands in his pockets and walked over.

Ling Yiyong got out of the car holding Han Ling who had already fallen asleep.

Seeing Han Ling's face pale, Prince Gu frowned, "Uncle, what's wrong with Auntie."

Ling Yiyong was a little embarrassed, "Something happened at home. She is too tired and is sleeping."

"Oh, let auntie go in first." Prince Xi said, smiling at Ling Weifeng who was still in a daze, "Xiao Feng, go, isn't it cold to stand outside."

"Oh, let's go."

Ling Weifeng came into the mist, completely unclear of what happened.

She and Prince Xi Gu’s home is not here.

Why did Prince Gu let her enter here?

Looks at him, home clothes, wool slippers, it seems that he lives here.

After entering, her eyes widened. The black-and-white decoration style was a bit cold, and she looked like a man's residence.

And in this villa, there are still a lot of her things.

Ling Weifeng's eyes widened, the situation is amazing!

In front, the prince Xi Gu had led Ling Yiyong, who was holding Han Ling, upstairs.

"Uncle, I live with Xiaofeng here, so no guest room is reserved. Tonight, you and aunt will live in Xiaofeng's room. I will squeeze in Xiaofeng's room for the night, and I will let you clean up the room tomorrow."

"Don't bother, we will only be here for one night." Ling Yiyong said.

It's not that he has no real estate, but he doesn't have the key now.

The key to a garden house happened to be left with the assistant, and I can get it tomorrow.

"No trouble." Prince Xi Gu said, already upstairs.

Ling Weifeng had an expression of seeing a ghost. Who will explain to her first?

Seeing that Prince Gu opened the door of one of the rooms naturally, she almost thought that this place was really her home.

Deng Dengdeng ran upstairs, glanced toward the head out of the room.

Damn it!

The decoration of this room is exactly the same as her room in Ling's house.

Then ran in and went around, as if she were living here, the closet was full of her clothes.

Ling Weifeng kept winking at Prince Xi Gu and asked what was going on.

Prince Xi Gu just smiled and didn't say anything.

Instead, turn around and go out.

Ling Weifeng glanced at Ling Yiyong, who was carefully helping Han Ling to cover the quilt, and said, "I'll go and see if there is anything I can do with Xihuang."

Then he rushed out.

Seeing the door open in the next room, she rushed in.

Hell again!

The decoration of this room is exactly the same as that of Prince Xi Gu Zaixi's royal room, which is his room at first glance.

"Emperor Xi, what the **** is going on."

Prince Gu took a set of pajamas, turned around and touched her head, "Goodbye, I'll explain to you later."

Knowing that her identity cannot be made public, and the two living together are in danger of being discovered at any time, how could he not be prepared.

What if someone makes a surprise visit.

Ling Weifeng, like a big tail, kept following the **** of Prince Xi.

Seeing Prince Xi Gu went downstairs, poured two cups of warm water, and then went upstairs.

He put the water on the table, then handed Ling Yiyong the pajamas.

"Uncle, this is my pajamas, new ones, you will wear them first."

Then he took out a set of Ling Weifeng’s pajamas from Ling Weifeng’s closet, "Auntie wears Xiaofeng’s."

Ling Yiyong felt that in fact, Prince Xi Gu was not as cold-hearted as the rumors outside.

It's a pity that such a man cannot become his son-in-law, alas.