Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1171: Internal and external troubles 3

The vast majority of employees are working hard to recover losses for the company, but there are also a small number of employees who are already thinking about finding another job.

Start to contact the next home.

If a large number of employees collectively quit, it will be another fatal blow to Ling Group.

With internal and external troubles, the Ling Group is now in desperation!

Old man Ling was so furious that he fainted on the spot.

He seemed to have seen the Ling family more than 20 years ago. At that time, the Ling family was attacked by the Lan family, and it was rapidly declining as it is now.

If the Ling family were going to perish while he was alive, then what face does he have to go down to see the ancestors!

Xia Chunlin came out of Ling's room with a bowl of white porridge.

At a glance, he saw Ling Jiang waiting outside.

"Mom, grandpa still can't eat anything." Ling Jiang asked worriedly.

Xia Chunlin also looked sad, and shook her head, "I haven't eaten anything for a day and night, how can the elderly's body stand it?"

The mother and the son talked affectionately, looked at each other, and then left.

Ten minutes later, Ling Jiang came to Xia Chunlin's room.

Xia Chunlin greeted him anxiously, "Son, how are things now?"

His eyes were eager and fierce, where there was the kind and worried shadow just now.

Ling Jiang also had a cold face, "Now the company is in a mess, and the loss is very large. If it can't be resolved, it is estimated that Ling Weifeng will not be able to please."

"Your dad doesn't seem to blame Ling Weifeng."

"Heh!" Ling Jiang sneered, "Daddy didn't blame her, but grandpa, what grandpa values ​​most is profit, and Ling Weifeng managed to make such a big mistake during the management. Mom, do you think grandpa will still hand over Ling's family? give her?"

After this incident, Ling Weifeng, in front of his grandfather, probably no longer has any good impressions, and lost all his trust!

Xia Chunlin was comfortable and worried again.

This incident could indeed ruin Ling Weifeng's image in front of the old man.

However, the Ling family suffered too much.

She frowned, "Son, will there be anything wrong with the Ling family? The Ling family will be yours in the future, in case it is really over..."

"Mom, what are you afraid of? Don't you still have Dad and Han Ling? The two of them won't let the Ling Group have trouble!"

Ling Jiang sneered. Han Ling probably wouldn't have thought of it. The Ling Group that she desperately rescued, in the end, made wedding clothes for others!

Ling Jiang was right to say that Ling Yiyong and Han Ling would never let the Ling Group have trouble.

Han Ling personally called all the partners in the first time to make sure that the next cooperation would not be affected.

And for those contracts that have been negotiated but have not yet been signed, step up the signing process to prevent others from being misled.

After Ling Yiyong settled Ling Weifeng, he has been in meetings.

High-intensity meetings have tortured almost all the management of Lingshi Group crazy.

But there is no way, now is the most difficult time for the company, no matter how hard and tired, you have to bite the bullet!

Leakage of business opportunities is a major event. Ling Yiyong has already called the police to let the guard in, hoping to solve the case quickly and catch the rape.

Such a major loss caused instability in people's minds, and Han Ling gave Ling Yiyong the responsibility of contacting customers with outsiders. She was responsible for stabilizing the emotions of the company's employees.

Many people have already seen the crisis of the Ling Group and are ready to find another way out.

It is not easy to suppress these people.