Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1166: Someone is following

Seeing Ling Weifeng smiled, Wei Hongliang leaned in immediately and was very pleased, "My grandmother, can you still be happy to watch? How about I perform for you again?"

Ling Weifeng waved his hand, but goodbye. She was here to wait for Prince Xi to eat together, not to influence his work.

After she waved her hand, she raised her leg and kicked Prince Gu Xi.

The coldness on Prince Xi Gu's body disappeared.

Wei Hongliang squeezed a sweat. Sure enough, it was right to please the young lady. As soon as the young lady showed up, the young master's anger would immediately disappear.

He originally wanted to report on the progress of Check Fengqing.com, but seeing Ling Weifeng here, he definitely couldn't say.

So I simply reported other work and went out.

Ling Weifeng kicked the prince Gu, "You guys are really funny."

Prince Gu suddenly put down the files in his hand and squinted dangerously, "My wife, are you alluding to me that I am too rigid."

Ling Weifeng, "..."

She obviously said Wei Hongliang, why did this man get involved with herself?


The prince Xi, Gu, thought, it was uncomfortable for his wife to praise another man in front of him.

There is a project in Africa that is about to start, and a person from the headquarters will be responsible for the development. Wei Hongliang seems to be a good candidate.

If we let Wei Hongliang know that he would please the young grandma, he would overturn the young master's vinegar jar, and would face the danger of being distributed to Africa. I wonder if he would cry for his father and mother.

"It's okay, it's not rigid." Ling Weifeng said casually.

Prince Xi Gu suddenly smirked and approached her ear, "My wife, I am not rigid on the bed."

Ling Weifeng, "..."

Raise your leg and kick over.

You silly!

She glared at him, not serious.

After reading a few important documents, Prince Gu took Ling Weifeng downstairs and went out for lunch.

As soon as the two left with their front feet, the back foot company exploded.

"President President and Young Master Ling have a good relationship."

"Yes, yes, it's like a brother."

"Young Master Ling is so amazing, he dare to be friends with the President and face a piece of ice every day, and he is not afraid to freeze himself to death?"

"Oh, why do you say that the President has such a good relationship with Young Master Ling? I feel that the President is good at protecting Young Master Ling."

"It's more than maintenance. It's just a perverted protection, okay? Didn't you see the order given by Wei Te? When you see Young Master Ling, everyone stays away."

"Wow, brothers and sisters, the two brothers have a very good relationship."

"Yes, yes, I heard that their mothers are best friends. Now it's the son's generation, and they are good brothers. Oh, I'm going, so loving."

"The two are really eye-catching to stand together. Both are super handsome guys, but our President's aura is too strong, and it seems that Young Master Ling is a bit weak."

Everyone talked about the brotherhood between Xi prince Gu and Ling Weifeng.

The new receptionist girl raised her hand weakly. Is it because she alone feels that the relationship between the President and Young Master Ling is very unusual.

This degree of protection is too abnormal, it is simply Hong Guoguo's domineering possession.

Because it was only a lunch break, Xi Prince Gu did not take Ling Weifeng away, but ate at a nearby hotel.

During the dinner, Ling Weifeng occasionally raised his head and looked around.

After repeating it several times, Prince Xi Gu curled his eyebrows, "What's wrong."

"Emperor Xi, do you think someone is following me nearby?"