Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1162: Reward, eat meat!

Xia Chunlin quickly sat across from him, "Son, how are you going to deal with that little bitch?"

Ling Jiang glanced across Xia Chunlin impatiently, "Is Ling Weifeng so easy to deal with? You have handed her hands so many times, how can you please?"

Xia Chunlin was a little embarrassed and whispered, "I haven't played against her yet."

Ling Jiang didn't fight with anger, "You've been completely defeated, you don't even know when you will fight her!"

His voice was a little loud, and Xia Chunlin shrank in fright.

Ling Jiang felt even more irritable. Although he looked down on Xia Chunlin a little bit, he could only use three kinds of abuse, but that was his mother after all.

This is a fact that cannot be changed.

He can only try to restrain his temper.

"Ling Weifeng's city mansion is too deep to deal with, but Han Ling has nothing to do with it. We can start with her and then pull Ling Weifeng into the water."

Xia Chunlin's eyes lit up, "Son, do you have a solution?"

"There is a preliminary plan, but I need help."

Xia Chunlin's eyes flashed slightly, could she introduce that person to her son?

After all, everyone has a common goal. It is better to work together than to do it alone.

She believed that with that person's ability, if she joined forces with her son, she would surely be able to take down Han Ling's mother and son!

"Son, when I wait for Saturday, Mom will introduce you to a helper. It will definitely be of great use to you."

Ling Jiang didn't care.

A housewife who has stayed in Ling's house for more than ten years, has never been in contact with the outside world, and can know anyone.

He now doesn't ask Xia Chunlin to help, he just asks her not to hold back.

After Ling Weifeng took a shower, he first ran to talk to Han Ling for two hours of nonsense, then ran back to his room, took out his mobile phone and started chatting with her relatives and husband.

Ling Weifeng: Emperor Xi, are you asleep?

Prince Xi Gu: Not yet, waiting for you to say good night to me.

Ling Weifeng blushed, but his heart was warm.

Ling Weifeng: I hate it, who wants to say good night to you.

Prince Xi Gu: Then I will say good night to you.

Ling Weifeng's mouth rose unconsciously, and she touched the bed next to her.

There is his exclusive position.

What to do, I suddenly missed him.

Although he will be tossed badly every night, but I have to admit that she is very dependent on him.

Without him by his side, some can't sleep.

Prince Xi Gu: Did everything go well in Ling's house? Has anyone bullied you?

Ling Weifeng, "..."

It's too exaggerated, she just returned to her home, who dares to bully her.

Ling Weifeng: No, only I am bullying!

Prince Xi Gu: As expected, it is my wife, she is domineering, wife, whoever bullies you, you will beat me back severely, and if you kill your husband, you will bear it.

Ling Weifeng snorted and laughed, thinking it was a feudal society.

She deleted the message that Prince Xi had just sent, and then sent one back.

Ling Weifeng: Deleted the record just now.

In the Huazhen Villa, Prince Xi Gu leaned on the head of the bed, laughing helplessly.

Then he obediently deleted the information he had just called his wife.

The little thing is really cautious, and his mobile phone will not be shown to a third person besides him and her.

However, your wife's words must be unconditionally obeyed.

Prince Xi Gu: Report, deleted!

Ling Weifeng: Well done, there are prizes.

Prince Xi's eyes lit up, and he quickly returned to WeChat.

Prince Xi Gu: Wife, what are the rewards?