Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1151: Conflict and Trouble 2

Ling Weifeng did not move either, and let him hold it.

After a while, Prince Xi Gu's mood calmed down a bit, and then she let go.

"have you eaten yet."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he dared to disturb the date between him and his wife.

Ling Weifeng shook his head, his stomach sang the empty city plan very cooperatively.

She smiled quizzically.

When this kind of burnt head screams, my stomach is really bad.

Prince Xi Gu squeezed her nose, and said in a petting tone, "What do you want to eat."

"Huh?" Ling Weifeng opened his mouth slightly, "There is a lot of noise outside, don't you deal with it first."

She didn't pay much attention, just glanced at the popularity on the Internet, and she was already scared to death.

The current prince Gu is already infamous.

I don't know who is so bold, who dared to break ground on the head of Xi Royal.

"Do not care."

"But a loss..."

"Xi Royal is not short of the money, and my dad will handle it."

Ling Weifeng, "..."

This is the legendary wealth.

She already felt the strong local tyrant's breath coming over her face!

Capitalists, capitalists!

Ling Weifeng was still a little uneasy when he was pulled out of the coffee shop by the prince Xi.

How do you feel like a confidante?

There was a mess of porridge outside, and the whole world was looking for the prince Xi Gu, and she went to dominate this man to eat with her.

If someone knew about her, would she be burned alive as a concubine of disaster.

"What are you thinking about."

Xi's prince Gu's **** voice rang in his ears, pulling Ling Weifeng's thoughts back.

She sweated wildly.

The thinking is too divergent, I am ashamed.

"Emperor Xi, I just need to eat by myself, you don't need to accompany me."

"But I want you to accompany me."

When the words fell, he couldn't help but tucked Ling Weifeng into the car, and after helping her to fasten the seat belt, he touched her head dozingly.

"Don't worry, I will deal with it."

Ling Weifeng had always been nervous and had no appetite, so the two only found a hotel with a good reputation for dinner not far away.

After the meal, Prince Gu packed her a portion, and then took her home.

Put the packed rice in the incubator and tell her to eat when she is hungry.

Then I helped her take her pajamas, put the bath water, and adjusted the temperature in the bathroom to a moderate temperature. Then, she hugged her relatives and asked for a long kiss.

"I'm going back to the company, maybe I'll be back very late. You don't have to wait for me, don't worry, you know."

"Emperor Xi, is it tricky?"

There must be someone rectifying the prince Xi in the back, otherwise the matter could not be that big.

Who dares to rectify Prince Xi Gu, who is it? It's terrifying!

Prince Xi Gu squeezed her tender face and spoke softly, which made people feel at ease.

"It's not a big deal, and your man is not a waste of money. This thing doesn't bother me."

As he said, he took a peck on her lips, his eyes narrowed, "Xiao Feng, except you, no one in this world can defeat me."

Ling Weifeng felt that the man in front of him suddenly became taller.

So crazy, so domineering.

However, she did not feel arrogant or arrogant when she said such blatant words from the mouth of Prince Xi.

Because he has this capital!

Indeed, she had never seen Prince Xi Gu frustrated, except for her...

In the gaze of the prince Xi Gu, Ling Weifeng nodded, "Yes."