Chameleon: My True Face

91 The Last Ac

"You can slowly stop the ship," Dongmei said to the walkie-talkie upon seeing that the land wasn't that far from them. They could already see the docks from the distance. With the speed the ship was travelling with, it wasn't that simple to stop but with Wuxing calculations, they would stop about one mile away from the land which was perfect for him.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

The reason for the stop was obviously two destroyer ships who were sailing behind them as they finally caught up and the helicopter which was hovering above in the sky. They were already preparing to stop the ship forcefully so it was safer to just stop themselves.

"Yes, Miss! I already got a few warnings from them but nothing serious aside from that." The Captain replied back right away, his voice containing a big sigh of relief. He was already anxious with two Destroyers on his tail but now there was even a helicopter flying above their heads which added an additional layer of panic.

When Wuxing saw the gaze Guan Dong was giving him from the helicopter, he couldn't help but laugh, "Your father seems to really hate me now, haha." They couldn't land on their ship as there was no spot big enough to land and it was also quite a stunt to pull off as they were sailing full speed.

Dongmei rolled her eyes as she commented on that, "Maybe it's because you are hugging me tightly right in front of him?" Although she said so, Dongmei didn't leave his embrace, holding him tightly around the neck as they looked around.

"That guy on one of the destroyer ships seems to hate me too. Dongmei, why your hubby gets hated for no reason?" Wuxing asked as he kissed her gently, trying to make Guan Dong even angrier.

Dongmei changed the guy with a single glance but quickly disregarded him, switching back to Wuxing as she returned his kiss, "I don't know him. Ignore all of them." There were already a few riflemen standing on the edges of the destroyer but they obviously couldn't aim their rifles at the pair. They even took a sniper with them but they already received the information from their contractor to hold their fire.

"How will I know you are alive after this?" Dongmei suddenly asked as she felt the ship was slowing down, signalling their separation.

"I will be. There is no other option. I can't leave you alone."

"Mhmm… You better don't or I kill you…" She said while cuddling her face into his chest.

As Wuxing and Dongmei were having their last moment, showing their love to everyone, the Captain of the navy wasn't in a good mood at that time. The whole travel he was in the best mood possible but it was ruined when he heard that Guan Dong would be coming.

It ruined all of his plans of taking Dongmei way before sneakily killing Wuxing without her seeing. He wanted to impress her with his good looks and knowledge in front of the best tea in the world that he bought during his travels but now it wouldn't happen thanks to Guan Dong.

"Damn it! I had everything planned!" The Navy Captain cursed as he looked at the pair hugging and kissing before continuing, "Such a beauty being sullied by a nobody. Gosh! I hate it so much!"

He got attracted to Dongmei the moment he saw her and he already set his eyes on her but it didn't look like anything would happen between them as long as Wuxing was alive. She looked to be really in love with him and even he could feel the love in the air.

He forcefully calmed himself, trying to gather his thoughts and didn't find any solution for his problem, other than killing Wuxing before slowly getting Dongmei's heart, he didn't have any other idea.

Just then, the sniper who was already waiting for a while came up to him and asked after a salute, "Sir, should I prepare myself for the mission? The target is clear for a shot." He didn't exactly know about his Captain feelings and was only interested in finishing his mission.

Hearing his question, the Navy Captain wanted to scold him right away but then he suddenly came up with a nice idea. He could still kill Wuxing but then blame everything on the sniper who just didn't listen to his orders. If he was blamed, he could always push the blame onto Guan Dong as that was their original mission. To take Dongmei back and kill Wuxing.

The Navy Captain thought for a second before confirming, "Yes, get in the position and shoot on my sign. When the lady leaves his embrace, don't hesitate and shoot a bullet right through his heart so that he dies before they can save him."

The sniper nodded but found the setup weird so he proposed, "I can do that, but Sir, can't I shoot the head? The kill will be more certain. He can always shift in the last second which might not kill him instantly in the first shot. Head would be more reliable." He didn't delve into who his target is, only thinking of how to kill him in the best way possible.

"No, idiot! Do you want such an innocent lady to see brain being splashed all over the floor? We naturally have to do it the cleanest and less disgusting way possible. We don't want her to have nightmares later. Got it? Use smaller calibre as well. I don't want his chest to explode either." The Navy Captain naturally cursed him, still thinking that Dongmei was too angelic so he didn't want to sully her mind with such sight.

"Alright, Sir. You are the boss. I will get in my position then." The sniper could only accept the mission and leave after saluting, heading towards the bridge staircase. He planned to situate himself the on the bridge's balcony which had a great view of the enemy ship.

Looking back at the hugging pair, the Navi Captain smiled as he muttered, "If you later want to blame someone, blame your father for issuing such a mission, hehe." He already received a message to stay put but he could still hold Guan Dong accountable for that which worked perfectly for him.

After a few minutes, the ship finally slowed down, halting in one place. The sea was really quiet today so there were no problems with the three ships staying right next to each other. Even though they came to stop, one of the destroyers still sailed in front of their ship, blocking any possible movements.

The helicopter also landed on one of the destroyers but even when they saw Dongmei's parents coming towards their ship, Wuxing only pulled out his Beretta just in case anything happened while still holding Dongmei in his arms, waiting for them to come on board.

Just as he watched the destroyer, he noticed the sun reflecting on something on their bridge. He immediately looked away to not expose himself but that sight did make him think a lot. He actually saw the sniper aiming at them already, preparing to let out a bullet.

He couldn't help but ask his great advisor in his mind, 'Will I die instantly if the bullet goes through my brain?' He didn't hear from him for a while so Wuxing thought that he was sulking after he cleared the mission but Devil Face quickly replied, 'You will if I don't help you repair your brain for you, but don't worry, the sniper is aiming at your heart instead. You should be able to heal it yourself.'

Wuxing was surprised he got a reply this quickly and thought, 'Then I guess I have to change my plans a bit…' He wanted one of the sailors to shot him but now the situation turned out differently. He also had other possible plans for different outcomes but it didn't seem like Guan Dong would go this extreme on him. He wasn't a serial killer so Wuxing would rather avoid innocent people from getting hurt if there were other solutions.

'I think you can just follow your original plan. One or two more bullets doesn't matter. You just need to convince others that there is no way you would survive and they should leave you alone.' Devil Face advised again, having no ill intent in his voice which finally made Wuxing think it was weird so he couldn't help but ask back, 'How come you are so nice today? Giving advice and all? Is this Christmas or something?'

Devil Face immediately burst out laughing but he wasn't mad, his old personality coming back as he bragged, 'Pfft! Can't I be in a good mood? This Majesty just got laid! Of course, I would be in a good mood, hahaha! Anyway, once you finally escape, your weekly trial will end so I can't bully you anymore. I don't want to lose my ranking after all. Go on with your thing. I will watch.'

Wuxing brain naturally had many questions he wanted to ask just from that few sentences but then he felt Dongmei squeezing his hand from anxiousness which made his focus return back to the real world.

Just as he turned around, he heard an angry shout call from the other ship as the small bridge was placed in between of the two ships, "Dongmei! Can you tell me what the hell are you doing right now?" Guan Dong was already mad earlier but when he saw her daughter in the arms of another guy, he obviously exploded. If not for Guan Mei next to him, extinguishing his fire each time it lit up, he would already spit out curses.

Dongmei wanted to reply back, ready to argue with her father but Wuxing stopped her by placing his hand on her lips and greeted her parents with a smile, "Good afternoon Sir, Madam. I really wanted to meet you in a much different scenario but I guess we can't help it anymore."

Guan Dong wanted to argue as well but Guan Mei copied Wuxing's method, covering his lips as she replied, "Good afternoon to you too. I also wanted to meet you. You seem to have quite a good brain to figure out such a scheme. I'm actually surprised."

"I'm flattered but I kinda didn't want to do it this way. Too bad we were kind of forced by your husband. He doesn't seem to like me but I can somehow understand that. Having his precious daughter stolen by another guy is stressful for every dad. Unfortunately, each one has to go through it one day." Wuxing said as he shrugged, staring at the mature beauty who looked like an older version of Dongmei.

Without letting her continue, Wuxing looked at Guan Dong and proposed, "If Madam doesn't believe me, you can ask your husband if he ordered to kill me even if I was released from the Prison. If I didn't want to die, I had to act."

As he said so, Guan Mei momentarily glared at Guan Dong and questioned as she uncovered his lips, "Is this true?" She didn't know about this before and normally she wouldn't believe Wuxing but she knew that it was something her husband was capable of.

Knowing he didn't have another choice but to say the truth, Guan Dong embraced his doings as he admitted, "Of course it's true! How else— Mhmm!" Just as he confessed, his wife didn't listen to any more excuses and blocked his mouth again, apologizing for him right after, "I'm sorry. I wasn't aware of that before."

Wuxing nodded as he acknowledged that and said to his love as he uncovered Dongmei's lips, "Sweetie, you can go hug your mother now. You two didn't see each other for so long. I think we are good already."

Dongmei hesitated for a moment but then she ran towards her mother's arms as she called out with a bit of yearning, "Mom! I missed you!" In the meanwhile, Wuxing shifted his chest a bit to the right, almost facing the Destroyer bridge.

"It's okay darling. I know what you two have been through. I don't mind you two being together if you really love each—" Guan Mei hugged her daughter tightly with a smile but she couldn't finish her word as suddenly a loud bang filled the air.
