Chameleon: My True Face

87 Long Time No See

As Long Qing pulled Scarlet inside the cabin and locked the doors, he immediately looked back at her, ogling her body like a hungry lion. She was hugging the corners of the skirt with her small hands, looking all shy and definitely not ready for action but Long Qing found that greatly exciting. He loved tearing apart innocent ladies who were clueless of what to do.

He dashed forward, reaching out to hug her into his arms and get right into it but before his hands touched her, she stopped him by raising her hand and taking a step back while pleading, "Sir, wait a moment!"

Naturally, Long Qing didn't plan to stop, closing in as he assured her, trying to act like a gentleman, "Don't worry, I will be gentle. Trust me, I have done it many times."

Scarlet dodged his hands once again as she backed away to the wardrobe and called out softly, "That's not it… I believe Sir is very experienced, but as it's my first time, can I ask to be the one in the lead..? I can do a show for you? I think we still have some time before we reach land…"

Only then did Long Qing stop his advances and asked curiously, "Oh, a show?" His mind was already thinking of Scarlet lap dancing on his hips while kissing him which made him quite excited.

"Mhmm, Sir will sit down on the bed and I will…" Scarlet started explaining before she popped out another button in her uniform, making her bra even more visible and continued, "Make a special show for you… I always wanted to do it…"

Long Qing couldn't help but grin to that and immediately agreed, "Alright! I want to see what you have got." He wanted to still reach out to her and lead her to the bed but Scarlet slapped his hands and said with a fit of cute anger, "But no touching before I say so... or I won't do it…" She wasn't a hostage here so she could leave at any time.

Seeing her adorable expression, Long Qing laughed and affirmed her, "Haha! Alright, I will just watch, I promise."

"Good, sit down first then and I will start," Scarlet said as she gave him a charming smile, her expression full of gratitude which further excited Long Qing. Who would reject a sexy striptease or a lap dance from such a beauty like Scarlet?

Scarlet didn't research much about what she was about to do just as she said she was, so she could only improvise, acting by using her imagination as the main source of knowledge. If she was a man, what would she want the girl to do?

Thinking of the plan like that, Scarlet took her ten-minute time frame of the mission into account and decided to act right away. She looked seductively at Long Qing, shaking her head to make them all a mess, giving her sexier look and suddenly squeezed her breasts right in front of him, going down on her slim body with her hands.

She knew she had to underdress at least to her underwear to lure him into her trap but scarlet didn't mind that, knowing she was doing it for her brother. It was just to her underwear which she would often show when she took her brother to play on the beach, so she wasn't too shy about it.

As her hands neared her skirt, Scarlet raised one of them up to her lips and suddenly put her finger inside her mouth, sucking it seductively. She saw this move on the internet ad by accident which promoted some erotica site, so she thought it would be a good one and she wasn't wrong.

Long Qing looked at her with an obvious lust on his face, his hands already reaching out to her on instinct, planning to pull her into his embrace but she slapped them away, scolding softly, "Not yet! Don't be impatient…"

She took a step back to be out of his reach and turned around, glancing at him across her shoulder before sliding her hands onto her bottom, focusing his full attention on it. Doing a soft preview as he lifted her skirt a bit, showing just a little bit of her panties, Scarlet asked shyly, "Does Sir like it…? Does Sir want me to show more…?"

Long Qing gulped and answered without much thinking, "Yes please..." To which Scarlet followed up with another question, "Will Sir be a good boy?"

She once again received a nod and a lustful gaze which ogled her body with desire, "Mhmm, as long as you continue… I want you more and more with each second."

Scarlet only smiled to that, knowing her mission was going great and reached to her belly, unbuttoning her skirt before slowly making it drop down to the floor as she bent her body forward. Her cute pink lace panties and her firm butt were now all for Long Qing's view. He wanted to touch it but she was too far which made him think of ignoring her rules and taking her by force right there.

Just then, Scarlet rubbed her butt while fixing her panties, making every move a detail to observe and admire. Turning around again, she reached out to her chest and asked while slowly getting rid of each button, approaching him with small steps, "Do I look pretty?"

Long Qing kind of began liking her play with questions so he joined her, "Indeed, you are pretty. I can't wait to embrace you…"

"I'm glad… Then I won't let Sir wait for too long…" Scarlet said softly as her uniform finally fell to the ground, showing her flat belly and abundant breasts, hidden behind a matching pink bra. Before Long Qing could do anything, she reached out and pushed him onto the bed with her finger, ordering gently, "Sir, just lay down and let me do anything for you."

Long Qing was naturally curious about how she was planning on entertaining him and agreed right away. He planned to take off his shirt and pants but Scarlet stopped him, asking curiously, "Can I do it for you…?" Long Qing naturally wouldn't disagree and let her hands lift his shirt and watched as her lips curved into a smile.

"Wow, sir… your muscles are impressive." Scarlet complimented in awe, ogling his body on purpose which made Long Qing confidence skyrocket. As she admired them, she hopped on top of him and sat on Long Qing's belly, looking as if she was thinking of what next to do.

Long Qing took this opportunity to sneak his hand forward and suddenly slapped her thighs, strongly grabbing them before commenting, "Your thighs are really soft—" Unfortunately, he couldn't enjoy himself to the fullest as Scarlet slapped them away as she glared cutely at him, "Sir! No touching or I won't do anything for you!"

Long Qing already started relaxing more around Scarlet, knowing she was too innocent to do anything to him and laughed as he pulled his hands away, "Haha, fine, fine. What can you do for me then?"

"Uhmm…" Scarlet thought for a moment and looking towards his hips, she blushed, proposing shyly, "I can maybe… Lick you down there?" Just as Long Qing started getting excited, Scarlet warned before doing anything, "But no touching! I want to do it slowly…"

"Yes, no touching. I promise." Long Qing didn't wait for too long to agree to her request, raising his hands in the air to show he wouldn't touch. He was really stressed for the last week so he needed some relaxation and fun. Both Wuxing still being alive and Dongmei not liking him one bit made him quite scared.

He heard from other guards how Wuxing dates the domineering Miss, so he would probably leave the prison very soon. Long Qing already thought of hiding somewhere until Wuxing forgets about him as he knew Wuxing will come for revenge if he has the chance.

Scarlet looked at Long Qing taking his hands back and squinted her eyes, calling out, "No, this won't do. Sir is so naughty... Sir will for sure still touch me like that." Seeing Long Qing shirt next to her, Scarlet took it and as if she thought of a great idea, she exclaimed happily, "We will use this!"

"What? My shirt?" Long Qing asked confused, seeing her grab his hand and tighten a tight double knot around his wrist, making it hold firmly.

With a smile on her face, she reached out towards metal headboard and started tightening another knot around it while saying happily, "We will tie your hands so Sir can't be naughty—" Unfortunately, she didn't expect that Long Qing wouldn't complain but instead sneak up with his free hand and grasp one of her breasts, causing her to let out a cry before she finished her explanation, "Ah!"

Earlier it was okay to her when she let Wuxing grasp her chest but now after knowing the real prices, she didn't want that anymore. She immediately blushed and scolded while binding his wrist to the bed as tight as she could, "What did I just say? Bad Sir!"

She immediately pulled away and glared cutely at him while covering her chest, saying with a pout, "If Sir don't want I can just leave… The Captain already proposed me three thousand if I satisfy him. He is a more well-behaved boy…"

Hearing her mention the Captain he could only sigh, pushing away his thoughts of forcefully taking her right there and gave up saying, "Fine, I will be good now. You are just too beautiful. I couldn't stop myself." Long Qing was already in a bad situation so he couldn't give himself even more crimes on the record, bringing attention.

"Thank you." Scarlet's angry expression lessened when he agreed and she quickly tied his second wrist to the bed with a pillowcase. Finally being done, Scarlet checked if the knots were strong enough and sighed in relief, standing up and jumping out of the bed, without bothering with Long Qing anymore. She didn't want to even look at him.

She somehow felt disgusted when her chest got touched by him, the complete opposite to when she is the one leading someone's hand. As long as she didn't agree with something, she could only get angry at that person.

"Where are you going?" Long Qing asked as he saw her walking up to the doors and finally felt something was wrong. The knots she made were too firm, immobilizing his hands completely.

Obviously, Scarlet didn't respond and simply opened the doors, before waiting inside with a smile. Only after a few seconds did Long Qing see someone else walking into the room. He recognized the guy as a lawyer he saw in the docks earlier but didn't know anything else about him. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

"What do you want...?" Long Qing asked confused, having a bad feeling before crying out to the blonde beauty in pink underwear, "Scarlet, untie me!" Instead of listening, Scarlet closed the doors behind Wuxing and walked up in front of him, smiling happily as if she was waiting for praise. She somehow didn't mind being seen like this in front of Wuxing.

"Haha," Wuxing laughed when he saw barechested Long Qing tied to the bed and patted Scarlet on the head as a reward, praising her, "You did a good job, Scarlet. Eight minutes, not bad. Do you want to stay and watch or leave?"

She already knew he would be killing the man she just seduced so when Scarlet heard Wuxing's question, she couldn't help but feel guilty a bit. Sighing to herself, Scarlet didn't move and said quietly, "I'm already helping with the murder… I can't just leave…"

Wuxing kind of expected her to do exactly that so he nodded with a smile and ordered while placing down his suitcase on the shelf, "Good. If you want to stay, wear your clothes and watch closely."

At the same time, when Long Qing heard the word murder, he immediately started acting, trying to jerk and loosen the knots around his wrist. Unfortunately, Wuxing was already there, watching his action and aimed with his pistol at him while saying, "Long time no see."