Chameleon: My True Face

70 Puzzle

Wuxing sat on the ground, leaning against the doors and worked out his brain as he wondered, 'What the hell is she thinking…' Was that a punishment for pushing her to the ground by accident? He indeed did not take that into account when they planned the scheme but he did not expect Dongmei would get this mad over it.

'Even if she thought of another plan, it would be best to follow the original or at least find a way to tell me… So irresponsible…' At one point Wuxing thought that Dongmei decided to act on her own which kind of irritated him. He liked to have everything planned beforehand so such a sudden change of events made him nervous.

Just as he thought about it, the doors to the apartment opened with a click of the lock and he almost fell, steadying himself in the last moment. He looked behind him right away and saw Dongmei having many tear strains on her cheeks as well as red eyes from crying. This scared both Wuxing and the two guards as they started to worry about their miss a bit.

Wuxing didn't wait for long as he stood up hurriedly and called out to her while reaching out to wipe her tears away, "Dongmei, are you okay? Why did you shut me off before? I wanted to talk and resolve it." Even if he was actually worried about her, he still had to keep up an act in front of her.

Dongmei simply looked at him, showing a lot of mix emotions on her face but still looked away from him as he shrugged his hands away and gave him her phone, saying with pain in her voice, "My mom wants to talk to you… She wants to hear your opinion when I tell you my decision."

This one sentence made the guards look at each other, finding it too unbelievable to be true. If Dongmei really called her mother for this, does that mean that Wuxing was finished?

Just as they expected, Wuxing reacted accordingly and asked confused, "What decision…? You don't want to be with me anymore?"

"You were the one who caused this…" Dongmei looked at him with a blaming look, as if she did not want this to happen as well but it was too late already, and glancing at her guards who were eavesdropping, Dongmei said as she pulled Wuxing by the arm, "Come inside first…"

The doors closed with a smack and Dongmei was quickly placed her finger on top of his lips while glancing at the phone that was in her hand. Her mother was still waiting and Dongmei left it unmuted to make her story much more believable.

Wuxing wanted to scold her but stopped himself, only glaring at her. He didn't like what she did and he was sure to punish her later for that. Dongmei could only smile apologetically at him and kiss him soundlessly before passing him the phone.

Wuxing switched from his angry self into a confused boyfriend in a moment and answer the call, "Hello? Mrs Guan?"

If Dongmei already told her mother about her decision which was most probably to break up with him, he would have to quickly prepare an answer for her. How was he supposed to react? They knew that he was supposed to make Dongmei break-up with him and he achieved it so why confirm it with him?

Wuxing was prepared for such questions but Guan Mei surprised him by attacking from a completely new direction, asking seriously, "Do you regret it?" She honestly took him off guard a little which made him pause, not replying right away.

Without waiting for him, Guan Mei continued, "Don't worry, my husband is not around me so you can speak the truth. Do you really love her?" This was another bomb that threw Wuxing off the track, as he couldn't figure out what Guan Mei was planning. He was usually good at reading people but she was something else.

Even if Wuxing took the deal, there was nothing wrong with loving her so he admitted honestly, "Of course I do, but that alone can't help me." Dongmei wanted to listen to them so she hugged onto his chest, but Wuxing still had to pretend he wanted to continue with the deal, so he remained proper to his act.

Unfortunately, Guan Mei apparently liked to throw a bomb after a bomb as she continued with her strike, finally exposing them, "Then you should know that such methods won't work. I know you only took the deal to lead my husband but that won't be easy with me. I know you are both pretending and you, my daughter too. I know you are listening. Wuxing, you are smart but if you really want to be with my Dongmei, you have to think of a different plan."

Both Dongmei and Wuxing looked at one another, not exactly knowing what was going on or how did her mother figure that out.

Before they could decide on what to dom Guan Mei fired once again, "I know its hard for you to believe me but I'm on your side. I can see Dongmei is happy with you and that's all that matters for me. Are you going to trust me or continue to pretend and play this game?"

Xuefeng was quite baffled by that so he muted the phone for a second and whispered to Dongmei, "What did you do? How come your mother saw through us?"

Dongmei felt wronged and replied while pouting, "I did everything perfectly and my father was fooled but my mother is just too smart. I told them I will move back to being friends with you. She must have suspected us from the beginning else she wouldn't be so sure after my outburst just now. It has always been like this. It's like she can see through my lies just like me but better."

Thinking of what to say, Wuxing walked up to the balcony, closing it just to be sure that no one will hear them and he led her to the bathroom before whispering inside, "Dongmei… I know you want to share it with your mother, but my plan involves changing my identity… You will know once you read the letter but I don't want anyone else to know about it other than you."

"I know… But my mother can be trusted, she never lied once in her life." Dongmei hugged him, not really liking the idea to lie to her mother when she already found out the truth, but Wuxing couldn't do it anyway. If she figured it out this quickly, she will find out about his ability as well. It wouldn't be hard for her after knowing all the facts.

Wuxing knew that Dongmei wouldn't understand it from his perspective unless he tells her everything right away so he didn't explain anymore, moving straight into the call, "I'm sorry Mrs Guan but I don't think I understand what you mean. I just talked with Dongmei and she told me her decision. I respect it. If she will be happier with me as her friend, I will accept this role."

Guan Mei couldn't only sigh after hearing his response, thinking he knew what's best for them and advised as much as she could, "Sigh, you are still pretending... I won't push you guys then. Just know that I'm with you if you need me. Also, know that my husband is already contacting his friends to bring his sons to Dongmei's birthday party. Knowing she has no one with her anymore, he will try to find the best partner for her... I honestly have no idea what plan do you guys have but I hope it's a good one because I don't see the bright future for the two of you if this goes on with the current flow."

Hearing such news, Dongmei tried to call out to her mother but Wuxing stopped her, covering her mouth and replied instead of her, not bothered by her gaze, "I understand. Is there anything else Mrs Guan?"

"Not at the moment. Dongmei, I hope you can tell me everything when we meet back home. I will wait." Guan Mei couldn't do anything if Wuxing didn't want to talk so she ended the call right after her reminder.

Dongmei who usually hated lying and especially to her mother, couldn't help but bury herself in Wuxing's chest and hit him with her forehead out of frustration. She started this game out of her love for Wuxing but she still hated it. If Dongmei could, she would prefer running far away with him, away from all her family problems but she knew that was impossible.

"Once I disappear, even your mother will think that she was wrong about her guesses. As long as you don't spill everything to her, we should be fine." Wuxing hugged her tightly and assured her.

Right now they were in this together so if one of them failed, it would bring doom to the both of them. It was the first time for Wuxing in such a situation where his fate wasn't entirely in his hands, but he couldn't go back anymore or rather, he didn't want to. Once he decided on something, Wuxing wouldn't go back and Dongmei was a good example of that. She was already his woman and he didn't plan on letting her go.

Dongmei looked up and suddenly kissed him forcefully before glaring at him, trying to understand him, "You know that I hate lying… Once I meet with my mom, I won't be able to keep this a secret… Won't you still be the same? Both father and mother will figure it out when I meet you once again. My guards already saw you so it will be hard for you to change your identity. I also don't like where this is going. Tell me, what are you planning?"

Wuxing rubbed her cheek, finding her kind of cute when she gets angry and showed her two fingers, knowing that everything will play out in that day, "Two days. Can you wait two days? You will find out everything by then. Just trust me. I know that you will choose correct decisions of what to do later. Just be yourself. The Dongmei I fell for."

Dongmei wanted to argue with him, but feeling the care in his words she stopped herself, returning into his arms, only muttering, "Fine… I wouldn't do so for anyone else… I hope you know it..."

Wuxing smiled at her hidden confession and kissed her on the head, completing it, "I know. I love you too." Dongmei only tightened her hug and replied back, "Who said I love you…" When she heard those three words, she suddenly felt much warmer in his embrace, finding it the place she didn't want to leave.


When Guan Mei put her phone away, she leaned over the wall and wondered what exactly Wuxing planned. She already confirmed that they were pretending in front of them which was fine for her, but something was telling her she did a miscalculation somewhere. There was one element that was missing and she couldn't figure it out.

'Wuxing... What are you hiding… What puzzle am I missing…' Guan Mei thought as she recalled their previous conversations, trying to connect some dots and create possible features but there was always this one more thing that she was lacking.

Just then, Guan Dong finished his calls and came back to the balcony, calling out happily, "Babe, they are all coming! I didn't need to convince them much as they were already planning on taking their sons with them. Dongmei will for sure find someone she likes there. She will forget about this Wuxing really quickly."

Only after he finished he noticed that his wife wasn't listening to him as she looked at the sky instead, thinking about something. He was about to ask what happened when she turned back to him and scolded, "Remember its Dongmei's birthday party, not a speed dating hub. Invite her old friends and tell your friends to take their daughters too. Don't make it awkward for her."

"Right... On it!" Realising that he actually forgot about other guests, Guan Dong clicked with his fingers and started calling once again.

Returning back to her own thoughts after he left, Guan Mei warned in her mind, 'Wuxing, time is ticking… You don't have much time...'