Chameleon: My True Face

59 Proof

Searching for his wife in the whole house, Guan Dong finally found her on the rooftop of their mansion. Guan Mei was watering the plants of their rooftop garden while listening to classical music on the modern gramophone. She didn't like to wear headphones and instead prefer listening to open music like this.

When Guan Dong saw her like that, he knew she was trying to relax and calm her nerves as that was her usual ritual after their arguments. At first, he thought that maybe he should turn around and come back later but in the end, he decided to proceed with his plan.

With a recording of Wuxing's confession and their agreement, he approached her, walking normally, so she could hear he was coming. Without even turning around, Guan Mei called out, "Don't bother me. I'm still mad at you and I don't want to argue anymore. Unless you came to apologize, I don't want to talk to you."

Guan Dong obviously didn't listen to her and reached out, waving with his phone in front of her face as he said happily, "I have proof."

Guan Mei disregarded the phone and asked while glaring at her husband, "What proof? You literally made your daughter hate us once again and you are still smiling. What is going on with you?" Guan Mei didn't tell her husband about her private call to Dongmei so he still thought that nothing changed from before.

Guan Dong just turned on the recording, giving her the phone without bothering about her rant and said, "Take it and click play. You will know the whole truth about that guy our daughter likes. I told you he was just trying to take advantage of her."

"Huh?" Hearing her husband while seeing him being all smiles and confident, Guan Mei couldn't help but get curious. From her talk with Wuxing, she knew he definitely wasn't a person like that. He was definitely scheming but he wouldn't use their daughter and that's why she trusted him.

When she played the recording, the phone call between Wuxing and her husband played starting from the moment Wuxing demanded one million. When Guan Dong listened to the whole conversation, she couldn't help but frown.

She somehow felt it was too sketchy and unreal to be true. It definitely didn't match with what Wuxing said to her during their conversation. Thinking about it for a while, she called out suspiciously, "Where is the beginning of the conversation?" She knew that there had to be more to the story than just demands on Wuxing's side.

"All that matters is that he doesn't care about our daughter at all. All he wanted is money and to get out of the prison. For that, he needs our daughter help so he made her fall for him with sweet words. Can't you see that already?" Guan Dong shrugged as he explained the real matter his wife need to focus on.

Unfortunately, Guan Mei wouldn't give up when she smelled a good lead and asked loudly with a serious expression, "I asked where is the whole conversation? I don't care what he said as long as I don't see the whole picture. Where is it? If you already deleted it then get out."

"Honey…" Guan Dong smile disappeared from his face as he called out sweetly to her but Guan Mei only threw the phone over to him and returned to ignoring him, continuing to water her plants.

She knew that her husband was hiding something so she couldn't say anything yet. He could always threaten Wuxing into that statement with death or something even worse so there was hard to believe this short clip.

Seeing that he got a different reaction than he expected, Guan Dong couldn't help but sigh, cursing Wuxing in his mind. Even after the deal was over, he was still causing problems for him.

Feeling that he had no choice anymore, he found the file that he previously hid on the phone and gave it to his wife, muttering annoyed, "Fine. Here. You wanted the whole recording then listen."

Guan Mei immediately took the phone and played it. This time the conversation started with Wuxing's polite greeting and her husband anger which made her nod, confirming the authenticity of the recording.

Just as she thought, there was much more to it than Guan Dong tried to show her and she finally understood the whole situation. Connecting Wuxing's words she now knew that her husband was led by Wuxing the whole conversation. Maybe he didn't realise it, but Wuxing was definitely planning something.

'The first part of the conversation clearly showed that Wuxing actually cares about Dongmei but the only way to get her would be leaving the prison and proving himself outside. Only by becoming famous and having a good career would he have the qualities to take Dongmei as his wife. He is smart so he knows it. He probably discussed it with Dongmei beforehand and they will be scheming to get him as much time as possible for him to succeed.' Guan Mei thought in her mind as she analyzed the situation.

Seeing that his wife was contemplating the situation, Guan Dong added his explanation, "I know my behaviour was questionable at the start, but in the end, it all goes down to the final agreement which Wuxing agreed to. He will leave our daughter alone for money. There is no way we can let such man stay with her."

'Sigh, I guess I can't tell him else he would definitely ruin their plans. Wuxing is so smart. It would be nice to have such a son-in-law who actually listens to your advice.' Guan Mei sighed in her mind, deciding to keep her theory in secret for now and called out to her husband, "I understand. Do as he wants. I don't want Dongmei to get hurt so let him handle everything."

"Alright. Are you—" Guan Dong nodded happily before trying to ask something but Guan Mei already knew what he wanted and broke his speech, confirming, "Yes, I am still mad at you. The way you handled the situation was definitely incorrect and you can't do much anymore to change it. I need some time alone to think of the best solution for our daughter."

Feeling like he was being excluded, Guan Dong proposed confused, "Isn't the best solution the boy we already found? He is perfect for her. After Wuxing leaves her, we can still proceed with our plan and introduce him." They already found a nice man for her daughter from an influential family that they both approved of even before Dongmei met Wuxing so he didn't want to change that.

Guan Mei already decided to give Wuxing some more time to try and test him just in case he turned out to be a good man, so she followed with it to the end, "Let's give her some time. If she is upset after her breakup with Wuxing, it will only ruin her chances if those two meet. We should postpone it a little bit. We will observe and see when the right time is. There is no need to force them together when Dongmei isn't ready for a new relationship."

"Alright. You are right. She is still young after all. We will see how she feels about him at our birthday party and then decide together what to do from there." Guan Dong nodded as he hugged his wife gently from behind but seeing she didn't give him much of a response, he let go of her and left after leaving a kiss on her head.

'Sigh, Wuxing, I can't give you more time. Hope you prove yourself pretty fast else that spot will be quickly taken by someone else...' Guan Mei sighed as she looked in the sky, hoping nothing major will happen.


"Gosh, the operation took so long… Fortunately, the knife didn't pass through any main arteries else the guy would be a goner already. The hit was done in the perfect stop, dodging most of the organs but he was still bleeding quite badly." When Dongmei came back from the operation, she tiredly dropped her sandals before kicking them to the side as she started explaining her long absence like a wife who just came back from work.

Dongmei walked towards the living room in search of Wuxing but he was nowhere to be found. The kitchen and the rest of the apartment were already cleaned up from any remains after dinner, so she suspected that spent the last few hours on cleaning.

"Wuxing, are you here?" Dongmei called out as she walked towards the bathroom to check if he was there, but then she felt someone's arms wrapping tightly around her. She immediately realised it was Wuxing based on the smell of her shampoo as well as the shape of his embrace that she already was used to.

Before she could say anything to greet him, Wuxing kissed her neck while whispering softly, "I missed you…" When she heard it, Dongmei couldn't help but shiver a little from excitement. Having someone waiting for her to come back from work was definitely a great feeling.

"I'm back…" Dongmei embraced his arms as well, enjoying his gentle touch for a moment before turning around, facing him face to face only to receive a sweet kiss from him. Even though Dongmei was tired, she wouldn't reject his kisses as that was relaxation for her.

He slowly led Dongmei towards the bed while taking off her medical uniform before falling on it with her in his arms. He didn't let her separate from his lips as his arms started caressing her body, clearly showing her exactly what he wanted.

"Does princess deserve a reward? Was the patient saved?" Wuxing asked as he looked at her from above while gently stroking her cheek. She was breathing deeply from their passionate kiss but still replied weakly, "Mhmm… I saved him… What is the reward...?"

Wuxing simply began kissing her lips once again before switching onto her neck as he replied with a playful smile, "As long as that is something I can do, you can get anything you want…"

Hearing him say it like that, Dongmei's thoughts started running wild, imagining all the things she could ask him for but at that particular moment, Dongmei knew what she wanted. Dongmei looked outside the window and realising that the sun was already behind the horizon, she said while brushing through his hair, "It's getting late and I'm quite tired… Can you cuddle me to sleep tonight then?"

"You can have anything you want and you choose to cuddle at night, correct?" Wuxing asked to confirm, already knowing that she wouldn't want more than that tonight. After today's fight with her parents, all she wanted was to relax and he planned exactly that.

"Mhmm, I want it. We still didn't sleep together after all…" Dongmei nodded as she hugged him, wrapping her arms around him but Wuxing suddenly picked her up and stood up, saying lightly, "I will heat up the fish from earlier, I left some for you. You should take a shower and prepare to sleep."

Dongmei thought that they would go straight to it, but then after smelling herself, she realised why he told her that and suddenly left embarrassed, dashing towards the bathroom right away. To think she would smell this badly and he didn't even tell her!