Chameleon: My True Face

57 Shadow

A few hours ago, inside the helicopter.

"What do you mean we can't fly towards the Badu Island?" Shadow called out coldly to the pilot who was trying to land right before crossing the coast of the sea which separated the mainland and the Badu Island.

The pilot felt a bit scared by Shadow's angry look and explained quickly, "Sir, If it was anywhere else in the world, I would fly there without a word, but Badu Island Prison has a special security measure that shoots down any planes or helicopters if they are flying in its air-space without their permission. The only possible way to get there is by using a boat and the only boat going there is scheduled to leave once a week. Moreover, it's used by the prison and only authorized people can enter it. They use it to transport food and all the supplies so there is no way they would allow any mishap from happening."

Feeling that Shadow wasn't satisfied with his answer, he added some more crucial information, "The only way is to wait for the main ship and apply for the permit or simply renting a private boat before going there by yourself. It's risky, but it is possible. The guards from the prison will quickly stop the boat before Sir can even reach the island but I guess Sir has permission to enter, so there shouldn't be a problem."

The pilot also worked for Guan Family but he was just a pilot responsible for transport who didn't possess much knowledge of the internal parts of the family. With how secretive Guan Family was, there was no way he would know that Shadow was the right hand of the head of the family. If the pilot knew, he wouldn't talk to him without stuttering.

"Go and land then. You will find a private boat for me and we will set off right away." Shadow ordered without any emotions in his voice and the pilot could only nod, doing as he was told. Looking at the Badu Island that he could see on the horizon, he couldn't help but have some worries about this plan.


"Oh my god… This is so good… Can I have more?" Dongmei finished the prawn that Wuxing prepared for her and couldn't help but ask for more right away. They were crispy while immediately dissolving in her mouth as the interior of the prawn was still soft and juicy.

After fooling around for a bit in bed, it was finally time for Wuxing to make the promised dinner. He made Dongmei stand on the side, knowing that she would only disturb him but she didn't mind that as she liked to watch as he seriously cooked for her and spoiled her from time to time with some tasty snacks in between.

Dongmei tried to remember all the steps that Wuxing was doing but in the end, she got distracted by his attractive smiles and forgot everything. Of course, Dongmei didn't mind that as well because she knew there would be more opportunities for her to eat his cooking in the future.

Wuxing smiled satisfied that she liked his cooking and picked another shrimp with a fork before placing it on her plate while saying, "Of course, but watch out, it is still hot. Use the sauce and bite on it slowly."

Dongmei looked at the crispy prawn on her plate then back at Wuxing and asked with puppy eyes, pleading sweetly, "Can you feed me…? It will taste much better like that…" The more he spoiled her, the more she wanted to be spoiled which caused her cute side to activate.

If the guards of the prison saw her at that moment and someone asked them who she was, they would definitely think that the domineering Lady Guan was replaced with her doppelganger.

"Haha, alright, give me a second." Wuxing laughed after seeing her expression and agreed, finishing the frying of the next batch of prawns first before finally focusing on her.

Picking up the fork with a prawn, Wuxing blew on it lightly to make it cool down a bit before dipping the crispy shrimp's meat in the homemade sauce. Keeping hand beneath her chin so the sauce wouldn't drop, he placed it in front of her mouth as if she was a little kid, but she didn't mind it at all and bit on it, munching happily.

"Mhmm, I knew it would taste better." Dongmei nodded in satisfaction when she finished chewing as if she could feel his care and love inside this single bite.

Wuxing took the second bite, eating the rest of the shrimp and nodded, "Yup, it's not bad at all. You can eat the rest yourself. I will do the fishes next." He placed the other shrimps which he just finished, letting her eat however she wanted.

"Isn't that enough for the two of us? There are so many of them anyway. I think we can share and we should be alright. You are not cooking for someone else, right?" Dongmei looked at all the food left on her plate and couldn't help but wonder who would eat so much.

Only after a second did she recall how much food Wuxing could eat and said happily while rubbing his belly, "Are you hungry? How about I feed you while you are cooking? Can't I spoil you too?" Without waiting for his reply, she impaled a single shrimp and led it towards his mouth happily.

Wuxing had a small bite of it and redirected the fork towards her face afterwards, saying with a kind smile, "It will take a while to finish the fish so you can eat the shrimps right now and I will eat the rest when you can't anymore. What do you think?"

"No!" Hearing his proposition, Dongmei quickly shook her head and rejected it before she reached out to him once again, ordering, "Eat!" Wuxing looked at her speechlessly but seeing her stubborn expression, he didn't plan on arguing anymore and followed her words.

She had a soft spot for Wuxing but somehow her domineering attitude was leaking. He found that cute as he knew that she was trying to control herself when she was around him but it didn't work out all the time.

With her order being respected, a smile returned on her face and she continued to happily share each shrimp. It wouldn't be as fun as it was if she just ate everything herself with him only watching so she was glad that he complied.

Beep, beep. Beep, beep.

When they were almost done, spending a great time, Dongmei suddenly felt a quiet beeping from the bedroom. She was very familiar with that sound as she heard it almost every day at work. It was the sound of her pager which all doctors had and informed about various special cases in the hospital.

Her initial reaction for the sound was to quickly rush up to it, but then she looked at the plate with the last shrimp on the fork before checking Wuxing's expression and she hesitated for a moment.

"Maybe it is something important? It sounds like a pager so maybe you should check it out." Wuxing commented as he looked at her reactions to which she nodded, saying unhappily, "It's a signal from another doctor telling me that a patient is seriously injured and that he can't operate on his own."

"Well, then why are you not going to check it out? Aren't you a doctor? The food can wait and I'm not going to escape from you either." Wuxing found the situation quite simple and quickly asked, taking the plate away from her, even finishing the last shrimp to show there was nothing else for her to stay here.

"But I'm on my break… I wanted to spend the whole day with you…" Dongmei said unhappily, feeling like her plans were ruined, but Wuxing slapped her butt as a response and picked her up against her will, carrying her towards her closet. Her butt was naked with only her panties left while her top only had his t-shirt on, so she had to change anyway before leaving.

Placing her on the ground, he pointed towards the clothes and ordered, leaving her no chance to reject, "Go change and rush towards the patient. If you don't save him then I'm going to be mad at you and I won't cuddle you tonight in bed."

"Will you do so if I save him?" Dongmei asked interested while picking up the nearest bra. Wuxing knew that his carrot will work on her so he nodded, helping her hook up her bra at the same time, "Yes. You will get a nice reward tonight if you do well."

"Alright!" Hearing his confirmation, she explained happily and quickly wore her clothes, motivation visible in her eyes. If she could such rewards for work, she wouldn't mind taking overtime.

Taking the pager out from her drawer, she read the message on the screen and cursed right away, realising it was serious, "Damn, it's a stab wound! How come someone got stabbed in this prison! What's more, its a guard!"

Wuxing frowned after hearing the news but quickly returned to his calm expression and called out to her, "Then go, hurry. They need you."

Dongmei put on her shoes hurriedly and run up to Wuxing, kissing him with an apologetic expression and said, "I know, I need to go quickly. I will try to patch him up quickly and come back soon."

"You can do it!" Wuxing cheered for her as Dongmei ran towards the doors and she gave him a warm smile together with a wave as she left. Just as he left, Wuxing looked towards the balcony and smiled, walking back towards the kitchen.

After more than five minutes of waiting, making sure that Dongmei wasn't coming back, he called out, "How long are you planning to wait outside? It must be quite hard hanging there like that."


A person dropped down from the roof onto the balcony and entered the room right away, asking in a deep male voice, "How did you know?" It turned out it was Shadow in his black outfit who was waiting outside for Dongmei to leave.

Wuxing flipped over the fish with a spatula and explained, "It's obvious. There is very little chance that someone would stab a guard in the middle of day like that. I saw the protection here and its almost impossible to hurt the guard unless he wants to. Only if many people are involved there would be a higher chance, but there was only one victim and in case of a revolution, there would be much more wounded. The only reasonable answer is someone appearing and attacking a guard solo. There was only one victim necessary to lead Dongmei away from the apartment and the only person who wanted that would be someone sent by her father. Am I correct?"

"Bullshit. That's such a stretch. There is no way you would figure it out like this." Shadow didn't believe it at all, calling Wuxing out without hesitation, to which he only shrugged as he continued to fry the fish on the pan and said, "I saw the earth falling from the roof so I know there might be someone on the roof. I only connected the dots when you came in. If you didn't, I wouldn't know you are there. I just bluffed."

Shadow sat down on the sofa and showed a rare smile from behind of his mask, "Smart, but that won't help you keep Miss."

"What do you want?" Wuxing asked as he placed the fish on the plate and sprinkled it with lemon before sitting on the opposite sofa to Shadow.

Shadow smiled and pulled out the phone from his pocket, throwing it towards him and called out, going straight to the point, "Mr Guan wants to talk."


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