Chameleon: My True Face

193 Lily&Daisy

All top ten members who were abusing the system earlier couldn't help but pale, knowing this change was directed at them. They could deal with twenty people but anymore was would be impossible. It wasn't like everyone was unskilled and couldn't fight.

Black Skull cursed under his breath, realizing it was especially targeted at him but there was nothing he could do. Instructor Ash already hated his guts and apologizing wouldn't help.

They would have to collect the points naturally.

He decided to ignore it for now and focus on finding himself a partner for the night. There were not that many girls in the selection but there were still some to choose from. Having one of the beach houses was a good bargaining chip to get laid.

Sleeping inside a barrack with hundreds of smelly dudes compared to sleeping with him in a clean beach house. There was a clear difference.

He wasn't the only one hunting though as the girls were thinking the same thing. Naturally, the first targets were the three ladies that happened to be in the top ten.

Before everyone left the plaza, Dongmei and Scarlet were already approached by two other girls, one having pink, the other blue hair. They looked friendly, both acting like elegant ladies that came from a good house but Dongmei could see they were not innocent.

"Hey! Are you two maybe Scarlet and Dongmei from the top three in the ranking?"

The one with pink hair and a pair of sharp eyes asked, greeting them with a wave.

"Yes, what about you? Did you two score well?" Dongmei replied with a smile, already knowing very well why they came up to them.

"We are sisters, Lily and Daisy," the pink-haired Daisy introduced them while pointing at each of them. "We did quite alright and got into top one hundred but we can't compare to you two."

"Mhmm, that's good. How can we help you?" Dongmei went to the topic, feigning ignorance.

"You know, I will be frank with you… We were wondering if you have a place in your house to let us sleep over…" Daisy proposed hesitantly. "You can guess what will be the conditions for the rest of the camp… We peeked into the barracks earlier and everyone will sleep together with beds right next to each other. I'm sure we will be abused at night, no matter what. I don't care about me but if you can at least spare my sister and let her sleep at your place, I would owe you a favor."

"Daisy…" Lily muttered speechless, looking like she didn't expect her sister to do it and quickly countered, pleading with a bow. "Please, give my sister a spot. I will be fine. I just want my sister to survive the night safely."

"Lily! I'm the older sister. I should be the one taking care of you," Daisy called out angrily, lifting Lily up and suggested to Dongmei, "Even sofa or the floor is okay. She won't complain. She can even help with cleaning."

Lily didn't seem to like it and scolded, "Daisy, did you forget what that guy said? He said he will come over at night with his friends and taste you. I will not let that happen."

"And what if I'm gone? Do you think they will leave you alone?"

Lily showed fear in her eyes but she lied through her teeth, "I don't care. I will take it. I'm strong."

Watching the exchange, Scarlet was already close to crying, feeling bad for the two. She looked at Dongmei to check what she thinks but Dongmei only returned the stare, not really revealing anything.

"What is going on here?" Wuxing called out from the side as he suddenly approached them.

Scarlet's eyes brightened at his entrance and she immediately dove into his arms, asking, "Can I give my beach house to those two girls?"

She already decided to help them in some way but she wouldn't do so without Wuxing's approval.

"Wait what? You want to give your beach house to them? Why?"

"If they sleep in the barracks, they will be abused. I don't want that to happen…" Scarlet replied, looking up at him pitifully.

Wuxing gave the two girls casual glance and sighed, lowering himself to look Scarlet in the eyes, "Listen, life is brutal. You can't help everyone. There will be more and more that will try to take advantage of you. I'm not saying those two girls are bad in any means, I'm just saying you should learn that you should always think about yourself first. Help yourself and then help others."

Scarlet tilted her head confused and questioned, "But If I can help at least one or two people, why shouldn't I? It's not like we need the third house. I can sleep with big sis Dongmei to free my house."

She then skipped to Dongmei to confirm, hugging her, "Right? Can I sleep with you?"

"Uhmm, of course, you can," Dongmei nodded, patting her head which made Scarlet brighten.

She went back to Wuxing, calling out excitedly, "See? Big sis agreed."

Seeing Wuxing wasn't really convinced, she grabbed his hands into her own and pleaded cutely, "Please~"

Both Daisy and Lily realized it was Wuxing who called the shots so they joined Scarlet, standing next to her with puppy eyes.

Wuxing gazed at Dongmei and seeing her nod, he eventually gave in, "Alright, it's your house after all. You can do whatever you want with it. Your call."

"Yes!" All three called out excited.

Daisy and Lily hugged each other happily and Scarlet wanted to join but Wuxing pulled her away, moving her to the side for a talk.

"Please don't make friends with random people in the selection. Everyone here will betray and kill you if it meant moving to the next round. Don't trust anyone other than our group. Are we clear?"

"Mhmm, I know… but—" Scarlet replied, trying to explained herself but Wuxing didn't let her, cutting her off. "No buts. Even if they look innocent, I'm sure they know tens of methods to kill you bare-handed. Please, listen to big bro and never do it again. The risks are not worth the gains."

"Okay…" Scarlet agreed sadly but she cheered up after Wuxing hugged her head to his chest, rubbing it like a real big brother would. She knew she could depend on him.

They returned back and Wuxing decided as he looked at Dongmei, "Let's get going and claim our baggage."

Gazing at the two flower girls, he only muttered, "Follow us."

Scarlet smiled at them warmly, away from Wuxing's eyes and they returned it, mouthing a 'Thank you' to her.

She couldn't help but feel fulfilled, no matter what Wuxing said.

The staff was already leading the rest of the group to the barracks and they followed. Although their baggage was delivered to the beach houses, the sisters had to claim theirs before going to the barracks to their assigned beds. Naturally, now they didn't need to do that anymore.

"Were they telling the truth?" Wuxing whispered to Dongmei as they walked and she nodded. "If they didn't, I would tell them to leave."

"Good. One more thing. Who do you want to sleep more, me or Scarlet?"