Chameleon: My True Face

173 Top Ten

When the girls finally reached the base, only then did the attacker spoke once again.

"It was a pleasure to cooperate with you, Instructor. We will see each other on the selection."

He knows!

Hearing he knew they were part of the staff during the selection, the leader got a vital info about the attacker. He was someone important with connections. Not many knew about their job yet the three of them seemed to come prepared.

"Bastard! Fight us fairly!"

An angry shout came out from the woods when a handsome man with white hair jumped out of the forest, his two hands each carrying a knife. The leader immediately got alarmed when he saw blood on the blades.

Wuxing didn't stop for long, placing his knives back in his backpack and saluted to the leader with a smile before launching in a sprint towards the base. At the same time, two of his subordinates jumped out of the bushes, ready to chase after Wuxing.

"Stop, don't chase after him. He played us fair and square," the leader ordered, staring at Wuxing's back with interest. "Even if you do, you won't catch him. He is too fast."

This was the first time they were defeated like this but the leader wasn't mad, rather the opposite. He was actually impressed.

"Tsk…" the two subordinates snickered in Wuxing's direction and listened to their boss, knowing he was right.

Instead of arguing they took out a bandage from one of their pockets and wrapped it around their necks before they bleed too much. There was a clear red line on their necks.

"What happened? How did he sneak up on you two?" the Leader questioned, pulling out the tablet to check if they have time to discuss. The nearest challenger was nearly two kilometers away they were still free.

Hearing the question, the two instructors felt embarrassed as they replied, "It's honestly our fault. We were too occupied watching the girls drama that we stopped paying attention to our surroundings. Before we knew, we had knives pressed to our throats."

"You didn't hear anything?" the leader questioned, rubbing his chin deep in thought.

"Nope. Honestly, he was too quiet. Even if we were indeed distracted, we would have still heard him if stepped of a branch but there was nothing," the instructor explained. They had to admit that this particular challenger was really skilled.



The girls naturally waited for Wuxing right in front of the entrance and the three of them entered the base at the same time. Scarlet's smile was shining brightly and they could tell she was excited, happy with her performance.

"Did I do well?" Scarlet asked the moment Wuxing reached them, giving the two a hug. She looked at him with a clear expectation to be praised.

"You two did really well. I'm proud of you," Wuxing replied with a smile and patted both of them. Dongmei received an additional kiss which was her right as his fiance.

Wuxing no longer stalled and ordered, "Let's go inside."

The whole base had some great defenses, with automatised machine gun turrets built into the wall and riflemen situated on the heights. They watched the surroundings, probably acting like the first line of defense against the mutated beasts just in case.

The girls were scared initially when they were spotted by the gunmen but they were left alone which made them sigh in relief.

Right after they entered through the unlocked main doors, they were welcomed by two masked men with rifles and a pretty staff in clean white uniform behind a table. The space looked like an open lobby between two walls, reminding Wuxing of a prison rather than a selection camp.

"Welcome and congratulations. You three made it to the selection," the staff girl greeted them with full smiles and looked down at her list. "Can I please have your names?"

Wuxing couldn't help but smile as well, actually knowing the girl really well. She was no other than his old manager responsible for providing him with any gear he needed for the mission. Naturally, she didn't have only him to manage but the two still had a nice relationship.

Even though he was dead, he could still use his old contacts.

"Thank you, Ash," Wuxing replied politely, walking up to the table. "We are Chameleon, Dongmei and Scarlet."

Ash instantly raised her head, full of lush black hair and asked sternly, "How do you know my name?" Her hand moved onto the single pistol on the table and she sounded as if any unnecessary reply will earn him a bullet. The two men behind her also prepared themselves, watching Wuxing's group closely.

Wuxing didn't get scared compared to the ladies as he knew she was bluffing and replied calmly, "My friend told me there will be a dark-haired beauty with glasses called Ash in the selection and if I need help, I should come to you."

Ash relaxed a bit and questioned curiously, "Oh? A friend? Who?" She fixed her round glasses as she let go of the pistol and waited for his answer.

"Li Wuxing," Wuxing replied honestly, causing Ash's eyes to widen and he continued describing, "He was saying a lot of good things about you when we last met about three months ago. It's a shame he passed away on a mission…"

"On a mission huh…" Ash muttered after him, knowing the real truth and nodded sadly, "Yeah, he was a nice guy. I will definitely miss working with him."

There was no way the two guards with the rifles would be knowledgeable about the situation so Wuxing didn't mind speaking out about himself. One would need to have an officer rank or higher to acquire any data about him.

Scanning Wuxing's body up and down, Ash leaned back on her chair and accepted them, "Well, Wuxing was right. If there is anything you need, you can come to me and I will help as long as it's within the rules."

Wuxing nodded in gratitude and thanked, "We will have to thank you in advance then."

Ash returned the smile and looked back into her papers, searching for their names to register them.

"Oh…" Ash let out a surprised sound after she finally found them. "It seems that you guys are the last from the top ten."

"Top ten?" Wuxing raised his eyebrows, not knowing about such a concept.

"It's okay for you not to know anything. It's a new idea from the higher ups. Apparently it's to motivate participants to do their best every day," Ash explained and stood up, glancing at one of her guards. "I will show them the way, wait here."

Ash beckoned at them and they followed, leaving though the second exit. They found themselves in the small city of barracks and big army tents in addition to tens of normal, modern buildings. Most of them looked like vacation beach houses.

The houses looked normal but all three of them noticed something was weird about the placement of them. All barracks and tents were placed on one side of the road while the buildings on the other.

Ten same looking beach houses, looking clean and fancy were situated right in the middle of the modern side of the base. It would be strange if they didn't figure out what did that mean.

"You probably noticed it already," Ash finally spoke. "Top best performing participants will live in those nice beach houses with all necessities you need. They will eat the best food in the base and enjoy all the respect. The rest participants of the selection will live on the other side of the base, in barracks and tents. They will also have much more restrictions and less privileges."

"Let me guess. Everyone can fight for the beach houses and replace those at the top ten as long as they perform better?" Dongmei asked, not feeling good about a setup like this.
