Chameleon: My True Face

166 Fall

They walked towards the end of the plane, all other participants were already waiting, ready with their backpacks on. Wuxing and the girls already had their own parachutes so they received the looks from everyone but no one commented, waiting for the attendant to announce their next actions.

The plane wasn't a normal commercial machine, having a big cargo storage at the back with an opening metal door. Everyone was standing by their numbers, not knowing what to expect from the selection this time.

Getting an information from the pilot, the male attendant relied the message, "Everyone, prepare to launch in two minutes. When the gate opens, you will only have twenty seconds window to jump."

Pointing at the small backpack in his hands, he opened it and began pulling various stuff as to give then an additional explanation. "Everyone, open your backpacks and wear the watches inside. They will help us monitor your condition. What you have inside is a water battle, a map with the orders at the back and a knife. You have one day to reach the camp. Good luck," he described, cheering them on.

Scarlet was holding onto Dongmei's hand, not letting it go which made many participants to wonder what such an innocent lady was doing at the place of death and murder.

"Scarlet, come to me," Wuxing ordered, knowing it was time to prepare as well. She listened but just as she let go of her anchor, the plane shook, causing her to stumble.

"Be careful," Scarlet heard as two manly hands caught her, pulling her up, hugging her from behind.

Click. Click. Click. Click.

Scarlet wanted to turn around and thank him but after four clicks, her back was stuck to his chest.

"Always expect turbulence," Wuxing taught her in a whisper before putting on protection glasses on her face, having a pair himself too.

"Thirty seconds," the attendant reminded, pushing the button of the gate. The loud noise immediately hit their faces and Scarlet couldn't help but clutch onto Wuxing's hand, getting an anxiety once again.

"Ten seconds."

The drop was getting closer and Wuxing called out in his mind, willing to have it easier with external help, 'Devil Face, I hope you are here.'

He didn't receive any reply so he instantly followed with a threat. 'If you don't come back right now I will tell Sandra everything,' he warned.

Wuxing didn't need to wait long for Devil Face to show up. 'Wait! I'm here!' the black sheep called out.

"Jump!" the attendant finally announced with the end of the timer and everyone began to jump off the plane. They already knew the procedure as most of them were knowledgeable about this step of the selection.

In just a moment, only three of them were left, together with another participant who waited for them to jump first. He was a bald, light skinned uncle who seemed quite experienced in battle as his face displayed a set of scars. Scarlet didn't have the bravery to look at him.

Wuxing knew why he was waiting. After they jumped, it was commonly known that there were no rules until they reached the camp. It wasn't rare that someone died during the selection due to murder. The less people there were, the better chances everyone had.

"Ladies first," the bald man offered but Dongmei glared at him and replied with domination, "Either you jump first or we will wait till they close the gate together."

The bald man's face turned cold, thinking that Dongmei was bluffing but they simply stood there, not bothered by the time. The man did a quick calculation in his head and didn't risk it, jumping first.

"Well done Dongmei," Wuxing praised only to hear the attendant last reminder, "Ten seconds left. Please jump."

They didn't have any more time to talk.

"Scarlet, hold my hand and everything will be alright," Wuxing assured the blond beauty and lifted her up, jumping out with Dongmei following right after.

"Aaaaaaaaaaa!" Despite being fearful, Scarlet only cried out at the start, seeing the plane flying away from her. When Wuxing stabilized the fall, she realized it wasn't that bad.

She felt free.

The whole space beneath her was filled with white, boundless clouds so they didn't see anything but just as they fell past them, they were shocked to see a giant island in the middle of the sea-sized lake.

Now they knew why the time frame to jump was so short. If they jumped too late, they would land in the water.

"Can you search where is the base? I can see the airport but I'm sure its not where the base is," Wuxing asked Devil Face, observing the whole island. From his point of view, it had a bit over thirty kilometers in diameter.

The airport was visible as it required a runway but it was located on the edge of the island. If someone landed there, he could be surprised that they need to travel far more than others. The whole island was covered in the jungle so it wouldn't be feasible to covered it all in one day.

'I can't check yet, you need to fall lower,' Devil Face informed, not having this much power. They were still around two kilometer altitude so he would need to waste too much energy.

'Also, I can't cover the whole island so I will be useless. I can at most reach a diameter of a five hundred meters and the further I go, the more energy I need to use. It's better to save it and avoid dangers later,' Devil Face proposed.

'Damn, okay, I will land in the middle then,' Wuxing quickly decided, having only a few more seconds to decide and gave Dongmei a signal with his hand. She was falling directly next to them and she nodded seeing him count down with his fingers.

They pulled the handles at the same time, releasing the parachutes. They still had a kilometer left till landing but they gave themselves an extra distance in case they needed to change course. Many other participants did the same, slowly observing the ground for a safe landing spot.

It would be bad to land on the trees and break your leg as you cut off the parachute.

"How was it?" Wuxing asked, patting Scarlet on the shoulder. She didn't shout during whole free fall so he thought something was wrong but she turned out to be fine.

"It wasn't that bad. I thought it would be scarier," She replied honestly, wanting to continue but she stopped, noticing something in the distance.

"Look over there!" She called out to him in alarm. "Two people are about to crash!"

Wuxing already expected such thing to happen so he wasn't surprised. "It's not an accident, Scarlet," He explained, watching the show.

As one person was flying above another, he reached out with a knife, and began to cut the parachute underneath him, making Scarlet gasp. The person was forced to cut away his parachute and use a secondary one, just in time of the landing, crushing into the trees.

"Why did he do it…?" Scarlet asked displeased only to receive a shocking answer.

"People will do anything to get in Seven Stars. Everyone here is a killer so its normal for them to kill. Death will be a common occurrence during the selection," Wuxing replied casually, already used to it.

'You can land next to the guy who fell. The jungle is dense there but there is one spot you can land on,' Devil Face gave him vital information and Wuxing immediately relied it to Dongmei, both giving their parachutes a sharp turn.

Dongmei also had the Layla's help so she could guess where they were heading.