Chameleon: My True Face

163 General Clark

"Whoaaa… It's so big…" Scarlet called out, looking at the never ending building as they drove alongside its outside walls. "Is that building Seven Stars' headquarters?"

Her face was glued to the window like an excited kid who was going to Disneyland for the first time.

The building that spread for over a five hundred meters already and had only twenty meters in height was all white, covered with glossy marble which reflecting all sun light as one looked at it.

From the sky, the building looked like a giant pentagon.

"Yes. Its a place where all logistics takes place. Thousands of people work here," Anna explained as she patted Scarlet on the head. "Though, today the selection starts so there will be even more people."

"Mhmm, it's impressive," Scarlet nodded happily, glancing at the distant parking they were driving into. "It's already full."

Many candidates arrived early in the morning to claim their spot in the queue yet Wuxing and the rest wasn't worried about it. As they passed the entrance, they saw hundreds of people waiting for their turn. Even though there was an enormous lobby inside, they still couldn't fit all the people.

"We are driving to another entry for employees. We are not going to wait in the queue," Wuxing assured her, knowing the place really well.

They drove through the public parking and reached a much smaller one at the back, having much fewer spots to park. To Scarlet's surprise, there were also three helicopter landing spots and just as they parked, one army helicopter actually appeared in their vision, preparing to land.

"Who might that be?" Scarlet asked curiously as they left the limousine. "Must be someone important."

"It's probably the instructor for the selection. Be calm and greet him nicely," Katherine advised. "Instructors are those who teach every Seven Star members how to kill. They enjoy respect throughout the company. If they dislike you, there is little chance you can join Seven Stars Special Forces."

Wuxing nodded, confirming this fact while recalling his times in the selection. He offended one of the instructors who later gave him a lot of troubles. Thankfully, one of them liked him enough to help him get past the training.

"Are you do going to be instructors this selection?" He asked Katherine as he helped Dongmei leave the car. Although they were only going to register, the real selection starting tomorrow, Dongmei already wore her military pants and simple white t-shirt, despite knowing it was really hot outside.

"Yes. Thanks to our experience, the applications I sent were approved," Katherine replied before smiling at him and added, "Naturally, it doesn't mean we will go easy on you guys."

She looked at Scarlet before giving a glance at Dongmei. "If we see that either of you are not good to become a mercenary, I won't let you pass. One need to be a natural born killer to survive in this environment," Katherine informed honestly, her face reverting back into her calm expression.

Katherine wore her signature ancient style red dress with a long cut on the side and finally fastened her katanas on the back of her waist.

Dongmei only hugged into Wuxing's chest and assured her, "You don't have to worry about me, I already killed before."

"I didn't…" Scarlet added quietly as she listened to their conversation. "Do I even have a chance then?"

Anna was the closest to her so she hugged her and guaranteed her success, "Don't worry, you have us. We will help you pass the first test and then teach you everything during the selection."

"Alrighty~ I already walked so far that I can't go back," Scarlet regained her confidence and glanced back at the helicopter, seeing it already landed in the distance. "The instructor landed."

"Let's go meet him by the entrance, it seems to be General Clark that was one of mine instructors," Katherine proposed as she recognized the man from the distance. No one complained and the five of them moved, following after her.

The man Katherine called her instructor was already old, looking as if he nearing sixty years old yet he was still in great shape and form, walking with his back straight and smile non-existent, cold like ice. Despite all grey hair and a few wrinkles, one could tell he was really handsome back in his prime days.

"Instructor." Katherine bowed her head as she greeted the old man and he returned it with a nod, showing a slight smile when he saw her.

"Katherine, my favorite student. What a coincidence we meet here." He said as he halted in front of them, his two guards standing behind him before glancing at the other four.

"Greetings Instructor," Wuxing and Dongmei bowed with Scarlet copying them later. General Clark could ignore it but he nodded, knowing they were with Katherine.

"New recruits?" He guessed, not bothered who were there. He didn't recognize who Dongmei was either as she was mostly hidden away from the media.

"Yes, I scouted all three of them and brought them here," Katherine took the risk to take that on herself and General Clark didn't ask further, turning to Anna instead. "You must be Anna, right? Major Anna. I think someone else was your instructor but I remember you were an amazing sniper."

"Yes, General. I was moved to sniper division after my skills were discovered," Anna happily confirmed, not humble at all.

"Hah, alright. Let's get inside, I will lead you through the registration process so you don't need to wait," General Clark smirked before returning to his usual cold self as he lead the way for them.

The registration went smoothly as the General promised, the workers giving him a favor and let them in after filing a quick electronic form.

It wasn't a surprise they got a few jealous glances from other Majors and officers who brought their recruits as well, recommending them to join. It was a common practice as those recommended received much better treatment and more attention.

Getting past the registration, they needed to pass the half an hour physical training which was hard even for people who were fit and trained everyday but thanks to General Clark and Katherine's influence, they could skip this one too.

There was no way Scarlet would pass the test so they opted against it. Because of that, they were left with the last test which required the recruit to showcase his skills with a weapon of his choice.

They arrived at the shooting range which resembled an underground military base and wore protective headsets, already seeing a few recruits shooting to the targets.

"Okay, pick your weapon and go to the corresponding instructor to test your skills. I will wait for the results to process them quicker for you guys," General Clark offered generously as he pointed at the tables filled with guns and various-sized knifes.

"Thank you Instructor," Katherine acknowledged the favor he was giving her and turned to Scarlet who she knew would be the only problem.

Scarlet's eyes widened when she saw so many weapons, realizing it was over for her. She didn't know how to shot with guns and the biggest knife she ever held was for cooking.

Katherine pointed at both Wuxing and Dongmei, assuring her, "Don't worry, you don't need to do anything. Leave it to those two."

Once they create a good impression, it would be easy to recruit her without any prior training. This was Katherine's method to get Scarlet inside.

Wuxing was already by the weapon table accompanied by the Dongmei and glided his fingers against all the weapons.

"Let's get the party started, hehe."