Chameleon: My True Face

162 Solution

"Ah! I'm finally coming!" Dongmei cried out, her legs shivering from pleasure after getting another series of thrusting and pounding. The disturbed orgasm came back to her with an even stronger force, almost knocking her out.

"Mhmm—Ahh!" Dongmei moaned for the last time, her voice already gone after countless screams and fell lifelessly on top of Wuxing's chest, breathing with troubles as if she ran a thousand miles.

Although she reached her peak, Wuxing didn't stop, embracing her and continued the exercise, knowing he was near bursting as well.


A special slap landed on Dongmei's butt before Wuxing grabbed it with both of his hands and rammed against her repeatedly.

"Ah… Ah…" Dongmei resumed her moans and despite feeling exhausted, she moved with her bottom up and down, helping Wuxing reach his own orgasm as a good wife should have done. Her black hair was already a mess, flying in all direction each time she moved but she flipped it on one side, revealing Wuxing's face which she immediately kissed.

Feeling a pulsing sensation in her crevice, his member twitching and jumping around as if it was close to exploded, Dongmei recalled their situation and suddenly pulled away, tightening her fingers that she wrapped around Wuxing's hair.

"Not inside…" She whispered, worried to make the situation worse but Wuxing didn't seem to listen. He sealed her lips and held onto her bottom to shoot all the way at her end.

"Ah!" The situation repeated itself. "I told you not inside…" Dongmei complained softly, not knowing what to think about it. She wanted to question him yet the comforting embrace forced her to put it off.

"It's okay… Nothing will happen," Wuxing assured her a short moment later and sat up without letting her go. "Do you want to talk?"

Dongmei waited for Wuxing to finally ask a question so she immediately focused and nodded. "What are we going to do now? Do you have any plans?" She asked with a troubled expression, the whole matter giving her a headache.

"What do you mean?" Wuxing replied with a question, looking at her in confusion. "Is there a need to do anything?"

Dongmei thought he was playing with her so she grabbed his face, forcing him to focus on her and got specific. "I'm talking about a baby… What if I become pregnant?"

Wuxing didn't panic and instead smile, finally explaining his logic to her.

"Do you remember a week ago, you told me that you have dangerous days, is that right?" Wuxing asked her, rubbing her back with care.

"Yeah, right before you left me for a week, but what does… Wait…" Dongmei nodded but then halted her speech when she realized what Wuxing meant. "I should have my period in about a week… Based on my calculations…"

Wuxing noticed that Dongmei wasn't too happy about her discovery and gave her a hug to cheer her up. "You sound sad," He whispered, wanting to get to the bottom of her feelings. After all, he couldn't read her mind.

In a week before women's period, it was almost impossible to get pregnant which was why Wuxing wasn't that afraid. Naturally, there were always exceptions so he could never be one hundred percent sure.

"It's cause I actually didn't mind it…" Dongmei replied, her voice as tiny as a mosquito, making Wuxing unable to hear her.

"Dongmei, speak up, I can't hear you," Wuxing called out while lifting Dongmei's chin so she could look at him instead of hiding in his chest.

Dongmei did exactly that and repeated herself, this time louder, "I wouldn't hate it if we had a baby together." Dongmei stared at Wuxing to see his reaction and he smiled, just as she expected.

"Me too, but this is not the time. We still have time and you know about the event. I don't want to risk our baby when we join it. It's best to postpone it." Wuxing explained but Dongmei couldn't help but ask, "What if I still get pregnant now? What about the selection?"

Wuxing didn't take too much time to think about it. "If that happen, we will naturally stop anything we are doing and move to the countryside to peacefully raise our child. There might be other events in the future, its not the end." He said with confidence and face showing all seriousness.

Dongmei knew he was telling the truth which warmed her heart. She cuddled into his chest and didn't want to let go of him. "Thank you," Dongmei said with a bright smile on her face. Wuxing only kissed her on the head, acknowledging it.

"Let's take bath," Wuxing proposed a moment later.

"Mhmm…" Dongmei agreed without hesitation, realizing the sweat was making them stick to each other and was about to pull away when Wuxing lifted her up and carried her towards the bathroom instead.

That evening was meant to be only for their entertainment and pleasure.


The next day, everyone met for breakfast, wearing only their pyjamas but Wuxing noticed there was something weird in both Katherine and Anna behaviors. They stared at Dongmei and him as if observing if anything changed about them. Aside from being in a good mood, Wuxing felt normal.

"Did anything happen?" Wuxing finally asked after finishing his scrambled eggs, aiming his question at Katherine. Anna glancing at him was somewhat normal to him but Katherine was different.

"Oh, why?" Katherine asked back confused, pretending she didn't understand.

"I saw you two were staring at Dongmei and me since morning. I thought something happened," Wuxing explained, placing his hand on Dongmei's waist who sat next to him, rubbing her side lovingly.

As Wuxing brought it up, Katherine couldn't pretend anymore and asked what she wanted to know. "Did something happen between the two of you? Dongmei seems to be glowing with happiness. Is there something we need to know?"

Wuxing smiled as he glanced at Dongmei before replying without averting his gaze, "No. I think we are just happy to be together once again."

"I agree. I feel really blessed to have Wuxing around me," Dongmei confirmed his words, caressing Wuxing's cheek as she spoke.

"What is the plan then? Are we still going for the selection today?" Katherine tried to attack from another direction, wanting to get to the bottom of it.

"Why wouldn't we?" Wuxing replied simply. "Nothing changed, right? We will go after finishing breakfast." He tilted his head at Katherine as if she was acting weird and she finally gave up, deciding to leave it for later.

If Wuxing was acting so sure, it just meant he found a method to solve their problem. There were many which they could use to stop the pregnancy from happening so she suspected they used one of it yesterday.

This was her ideal situation so Katherine didn't complain, endorsing it. "Yeah, nothing changed. I will contact the staff, saying we will arrive in a bit," Katherine informed as she began tapping on her watch, seemingly sending a message.

"I wonder how will the selection look like…" Scarlet suddenly thought out loud, being the only one who was new to everything.